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Calling All Markethill Poets!!

The blog club are asking you to enter this fantastic competition. Write a scottish-themed poem or limerick and add using the comment button. Alternatively write your poem down and give it to your teacher. There are some fab prizes to be won. Here is an example:
There was an auld wifie fae Macduff
Who woke up one day in a huff
She louped oot o’ bed
Skelped the tap o’ er her head
And yelled, ‘That’s it! Enough is enough!’
Thank you to Mrs Laing, Mrs Maclean, Miss PS and Miss Bremner for your contribution!

PS. This poem was written by Lois in P5/6/17.
As she also provided me with an illustration, I thought that I would upload both here rather than add as a comment. This is her poem.

Oh the haggis was affa fine,
We’ neeps, tatties and a wee sup o’ wine
Some people dinna like it you see,
But it’s just the richt supper for me.

Fruity Friday

The Health Promoting Group are starting a Fruity Friday which starts on the 3rd of February. It is when you take a piece of fruit for your snack on Fridays , everyone can take part and when you do you’ll get a sticker!
There is also a good competition to design a poster for the Fruity Friday event and there will be prizes for each stage winner.Please hand in your entry to your teacher before 27th of January.
Good Luck! 🙂

primary 3 plans

This term the primary 3’s topic is pirates they have been learning alot about them. For burns they will be having a poem competion they will be hopeing to watch some dancers. They might be haveing a burns supper and will be learning a lot about Robert Burns. So they will be busy little people this couple of weeks and so will there teachers.

Primary 1

This term primary 1’s topic is Fairy Land and they might have some special visitors and for Burns day they are going to be singing at Sim court and Dawson Court.Also they are going to recite some poems and some girls are going to dance.The primary 1’s are also excited because this term they get to take home some reading books,so they can get better at reading.

Primary 2

This term Primary 2 topic is Mr Men and they are looking forward to doing it. For burns day primary 2 are doing lots of things like dancing, competeing in a poem competion and making the map of scotland of bits and bobs. Mrs Kindness’s class are doing  scottish games for gym.

P5/6 news!

This term Mrs Matthews’ class are doing tecnology for their topic which includes making things and testing things in different ways.

Also in Mrs Matthews’ class they will be having a Burns Supper (without haggis though) for Robert Burns day.

This sounds very interesting so keep your eye on the blog to see how it went!
