15 thoughts on “Loch Insh day 2”

  1. Hi pupils from markethill looking good out there on the water and the skiing looks ace! Im soooooo jealous, hope you all have a fab time! Missing you already.Hope the weather stays sunny, see you on friday x

  2. Great photos again for Day 2! Still lots of smiley faces, so that says it all 🙂

  3. Hope you are all having loads of fun and the weather is good for you…looks like you are all having an ace time (though a few tired looking faces – better get an earlier sleep tonight!!!)

  4. Thanks for sharing the pictures via here…. Its lovely to see you all having fun…. we miss you, but enjoy your much awaited trip to Loch Inch. xxxxx

  5. it looks so good i cant wait till next year to go there im already bursting with excitment 🙂

  6. Wow these photo’s look really good.Can’t wait to do this next year. Have fun!!! james 🙂

  7. Loch Inch looks really cool I am definately going next year. I think the best picture I have seen was the ones about the archery. I love archery and I am really looking forward to going there! The pictures are really good to.

  8. Looks great guys. We can’t wait till next year. The ski hill and archery look ace. See you on Wednesday. From the P6 Jordans 😛 😀

  9. I hope that you are all having a really fun time. I have seen all the photos and it does look great. I think that I will go next year,havihg seen the photos. I hope that the weather is good there.

  10. Great pictures looks like you are all having fun, can’t wait for more pictures. xx

  11. Having a great time! Everyone having a ball! Think the kids are having fun too :-). Weather has been reasonable. Enjoy the photos,more to come if no technical difficulties. See you all on Friday. xxx

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