Snow day information

Children should access their class glow group or blog, as directed by their class teacher prior to today. If children are unable to access glow, here is a list of suggested activities.

Learn their poem for Burns poetry recitals later in the week.

Play some maths games here.

Make a snowflake here.

100 word challenge. Using just 100 words, write a story which includes these 5 words: SNOW   DOG   PINK   WINDOW   CRASH Using the comment button at the top of this post, upload your story to the blog.

Build a snowman and take a photo. ( If you’d like to get your photo onto the blog, bring a printed copy to school when we return.)

2 thoughts on “Snow day information”

  1. One snow day like 22.1.2013 two pupils called Tim and John made a dog out of snow.It was a cute snow dog.The next day it had melted and crash, they broke a window in rage.They had loved the snow dog and it broke their heart to lose it.They got angry with their sister and said she did it.At the time she was paining her car pink .There mum said mothernature had did it.They said “we hate mothernature”.Mum said “don’t hate mothernature,melting snow is her job and we love it that way”.They would just have to fix the broken window.

  2. Well done,you have included all the prompt words! I hope you don’t mind me posting your story here as well as on the class blog. 🙂

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