Primary 6/7

Last week for homework P6/7 did informatoin about a famous movie star. We wrote quite alot of information about the actor or actress, we also printed off a picture of the famous movie star. It was interesting looking at all the different famous people that the pupils had chosen. They are all really good!!!!!!

P4 class.

The p4 class have been learning more about the organs of the body. All the mut huts are now in and they are all looking great, some of them have got actual mud on them and others have straw. They have also been drawing and colouring in Diwali pictures. 

St Andrew’s Day

For St Andrew’s Day I have been researching about a famous Scottish person. I wanted to research about a famous Scottish author. My favourite books are Hairy McClairy and I wanted to find out about this author but she came from New Zealand. I chose Arthur Conan Doyle. He wrote about a famous detective called Sherlock Holmes.

by Aaron Milne