Saxophone Ensemble visits Markethill

On Wednesday morning we were treated to a visit from a group of amazing musicians – The Scottish Saxophone Ensemble.They told us all about their instruments and played a variety of music from Ravel’s Bolero to Handel to Gershwin. The children ( and staff!) were completely enthralled by their performance! As is often the case, our visitors commented on the excellent behaviour of the children, they were a truly fabulous audience. 🙂

10 thoughts on “Saxophone Ensemble visits Markethill”

  1. i really liked the saxaphone people they were really good lots of songs that i didnt know about. i liked all the saxaphones. they were really great.

  2. Hi,I really enjoyed the saxophone ensemble.It was fun to listen to and I found out a lot.I would like to play the saxophone.

  3. I realy liked the noice of it. I’m shore you would need a lot of puff to blow it and it also looks heavy. I would play it if I knew where to go to play it.

  4. Wow its the best saxophone music ever and I enjoyed it so much I would watch it again and again.

  5. I realy enjoyed it i liked the introduction the best they should go on x factor because they are so good at playing.

  6. It was really good , I really enjoyed it ! , my favourite bit was when Richard played mrs malcom.

  7. I think the Saxophones were BRILLTASTIC were can i learn it.I dont think it could be better.

  8. i LOVED the saxophone people and i realy LOVED the song that they did when they first came in i realy LOVED that and they were realy brilliant

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