Here are some more photos of our adventurous Primary 7s! Please leave them a comment!
Monthly Archives: May 2012
Loch Insh
Loch Insh!!!
The P7’s have been counting down the days until the Loch Insh trip. They all have long kit lists to follow and as its only 4 sleeps they will all be running around trying to get what they need. The girls will be staying in the chalets and the boys will be mostly staying in the main building. There will be photos up on the blog everyday when we are at Loch Insh so keep checking in.
grounds for learning
The Grounds for Learning committee need your help! P5 have made a map of the school and P1 have been taking photos.The committee need every class to give them ideas of what we should have in the play ground. These are some ideas that we came up with. Monkey bars, swings, stepping stone, football goals, sandpit, treehouse and lots more. The playground will be awsome.
By Amy
Netball Tournament
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On Wednesday, the 23rd of May, Markethill was host to a special sporting event, the Turriff local schools netball tournament! All the teams, Forgue, Monquitter and the two Markethill teams all showed very good sportsmanship and cooperated well and played great on the court. A special well done to Emil and Kirsty who put themselves forward to play Forgue’s team , who were short of two players. Eventually after many games of gripping netball , the results were announced. Coming in at 4th place was Monquitter shortly followed by Markethill 1 in 3rd place. Also coming in 2nd place was Markethill 2. It was such a tight race for first place but Forgue just snatched it and won the big prize for their school.Β Well done to all the participants and especially well done to Forgue! π Above is a slide show of some of the pictures which were taken,Β simply press the play button to see us in action! π π π π π π π
by Kirsty B π
Blog Competition !
First of all I would like to thank all of the participants who entered the comic strip competition.
Congratulations to Lois P, Amylee F and Marcin J.They were the topΒ 3.
By Sam
Big Dance!
On Friday the whole school and nursery took part in an attempt to break the Guinness world record for Β ‘The Largest Simultaneous Dance Routine’. Many schools and organisations around the world joined in….check back later this term to find out if the record was broken.Unfortunately the video was too big to post here butΒ If you’d like to see it, click here. (Glow login required.) Thank you to Mrs Cruickshank and the P6 and P7 girls for helping us all to learn the dance.
Titanic Exhibition
Primary 4/6 and 4/7 opened up their classrooms to parents and carers on Friday to share their work on the Titanic. Click here to see more photos from the P4/6 exhibition.
Mrs Maclean
***Competition reminder***
Primary 7 bloggers need your entries to the comic strip competition by 18th May. Your comic strip can be about anything you like. It might be funny (your favourite joke maybe?) or it might just tell a story. Hand your entries to your class teacher. Fab prizes for the winners!
Mrs Maclean π
Surveys around school.
In maths this week Miss Bulloch’s class were busy making up surveys and going around the school to classses to fill them in. These surveys could consist of anything from asking about favourite pets to favourite food. Once they’d gathered their information, they counted up the results and displayed them in a tally chart. Some of the results were surprising for the class and now they know about the class which took part in each of their surveys.
by Kirsty B π