Today’s photos

Hello there, hopefully we will have some photos at some point tonight….. I think they’re all busy at the party! I’ll keep checking my emails and add them as soon as I get them.  Mrs Maclean

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Sorry but unfortunately no wifi at Loch Insh tonight 🙁  Final update will be tomorrow morning.

Blog helpers

Thank you to Jill, James, Tasha and Kennedy for coming along after school to have a go at writing on the blog. They worked very hard and picked things up very quickly. Hopefully Jill and James will consider joining the team after the summer!! 🙂

Hello by James

Today is my trial to blog before I am part of P7 because the bloggers in P7 are away at Lock Insh.  Mrs Maclains class have been making floppy hats at first it did not fit and then it fitted fine.    🙂