Red Nose Day

Markethill Primary School helped raise money for Red Nose Day 2011. We had a wear something funny for money day and everyone brought in something red for their head. There were word searches and design a red nose competition. Some boys decided to dress as girls and some people dressed up as cartoon characters or others just put on casual clothes. They raised £1511.64 for children & adults in poorer countries who need money for their health and their life style. 560 Pupils participated in the giant Red Nose outside on the Markethill grass. The Turriff Advertiser got photos of Markethill’s giant red nose outside on the grass.

By Natalie&Sonita

Primary 6-7/19 Oscar Night!

Primary 6-7/19 have been doing the V.I.B as our topic which is about Buddy the bear and we have to make movies with him. We have been filming for a few months now. At the end of term we are having an Oscar Night to show our movies and trophys will be awarded to the different groups for our different movies. The catagories for awards are Best Scenery, Best Actor, Best Music, Best Screenplay and Animation all of those will be decided before the event. On the night the audience will get to vote on the Funniest Clip and at the end of the night all the points will be tallyed up and the group with the most votes will win the overall Best Movie. On the night there will be Tea, Coffee, Juice and Popcorn on sale. We are hoping that each class member will get 5 tickets each for their parents so not only the class members will see but every class members relatives can come and see them aswell.   The Oscar night will be held on the 27th of April.  It will hopefully be a good night.   By Jordan

Red Nose Day

The blogging club will be adding lots of photos on Tuesday, but I thought I’d share these myself whilst watching Comic Relief on TV tonight. The children really enjoyed making up this giant red nose on the school field….the whole school took part,  including the children from nursery in their little red coats! Keep an eye on the local press for more photos!

Mrs Maclean


World Book Day!

This is 4 people from Miss Youngs class in their winnie the pooh corner on World Book Day.

This is Miss Young reading a story to her class.

This is Primary 1 all dressed up on World Book Day from Miss MacGillivray’s class.

For world book day, primary 7’s did paired reading with the little ones.  Some classes dressed up in fancy clothes or as a character from their favourite book. 153 people added a their favourite book  on the blog about The World Book Day.

By Louise And Natalie


Some primary 6’s attended the Euro quiz in Peterhead. There were two groups. One of the groups came in first and the other came fourth. The members of the team that won are Ross S, Liam D, Lauren B and Brodie R, and the team members that came fourth are Ben G, Christie C, Jack S and Ross P. Here is a picture of both teams holding the cup.

By Sonita and Jordan

Fair-trade Shop

Miss Todd’s Class P5/5 are having a fair-trade shop from 1/3/11-5/3/11. They are selling Divine Bars, Pure Tropical & Apple Juice, Yoghurt Raisins, Raisins & Apricots. Fair-Trade is when farmers grow the food and the shops give them a good deal for their produce and they don’t give the farmers very little and they sell it for alot. By Sonita&Jordan!.