Author: Mr Cormack

P1-4 1st April

Health and Wellbeing

P1-4 have been looking closely at Wellbeing and personal strengths, we have been discussing what our wellbeing is and recognising strengths in ourselves and others! We brainstormed strengths together and used this to fuel a whole class discussion on what each strength may look or feel like. Then we used what we had learned to create stars filled with our personal strengths!

Next Term

Next term in numeracy we will have a focus on Data and Analysis, Angle and Symmetry and Measurement! In literacy we will continue to develop our phonological knowledge and tools for writing. In addition to this, the pupils have shown a great interest in current issues through watching Newsround, such as Climate Change and Saving the Planet, which we will use as the basis for our Term 4 topic!

P5/6/7 – 1 April 2021

The last three weeks have been amazing to be back in school.  Both the pupils and staff have really enjoyed getting back to some kind of routine.  For me, it has been great to join the Luthermuir team and I have really enjoyed getting to know everyone.  I am looking forward to term 4.

Final Weeks of Term 3

Over the last three weeks, we have been finishing off our Victorians topic.  The children have been reflecting on the facts they learned throughout the term.  We have also been looking at Balmoral Castle and how it links to Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.  The children created mini fan books on Balmoral Castle, which have been shared on Marvellous Me.

In maths, we have been reflecting on our number activities.  We have also been looking at Chance and Uncertainty.  We have been categorising events using the phrases: certain, highly likely, likely, even chance, unlikely, highly unlikely and impossible.

In spelling, we have been exploring words associated with Easter and carrying out some literacy challenges with these words.

Next Term

Next term will be the final term for our Primary 7 pupils, which I am sure is very exciting but may also be a bit sad or nerve raking.  We hope to help them finish their Luthermuir journey in style.  With this in mind, the children have been sharing their ideas to help plan our next class project, which we will share with everyone after the holidays.

During next term, we will be undertaking a literacy unit based upon a surprise class novel.  I am keeping the novel a secret, but it is a great one!  The children will also undertake their normal reading groups activities, as well as, looking at some non-fiction texts connected to the class project.

We also have four main maths units that we will be focusing on.  Mrs Hutton will be focusing on two units.  The first being Data and Analysis.  The second will focus on Angles, Symmetry and Transformation.  I will be focusing on Measurement first before moving on to 2D and 3D shape properties.

The class will continue to have PE on a Monday afternoon and a Friday morning.  They will also continue to have Art with Ms Gatherum on a Tuesday.

Final Thoughts

As we end, and reflect upon, another ‘unique’ term, Mrs Hutton and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone, again, for their hard work, dedication and efforts.  We hope you all have a lovely holiday and recharge your batteries, ready for term 4.

Take care and stay safe,

Mrs Lynn Fish

P5-7 Class Teacher


P1-4 The Tiger Who Came to Tea

 P1-4 is delighted to have the P4’s back in school! Everyone is settling well into the class routines and are all working hard together.

The Tiger Who Came to Tea

P1-4 have been looking at the story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ with Mrs Cheyne. Pupils spent the week reading the story and retelling through drama performances and re-enactments of scenes, discussing their favourite parts and why! We have looked at the different punctuation and grammar used in the text and pupils used the story as inspiration for their writing. They were challenged to rewrite the story and change the ending, making sure the ending was relevant to the rest of the story! There were lots of fabulous new endings to the story, as well as some lovely illustrations to go with each.


P1-4 Blog

Primary 1-3 has settled back nicely into school life and it has been lovely to see them all putting in lots of effort with their learning. Primary 4 is continuing to work hard on their learning at home and have enjoyed the various activities they have completed.

World Book Day!

World Book Day took place on Thursday 4th March this year! Pupils in school came dressed as characters from their favourite books or in their PJs. Those learning from home had a PJ day too!

During World Book Day pupils had great fun learning about adjectives and descriptive language through Role on the Floor! Pupils worked in groups to draw a figure on their paper and use this template to discuss the descriptive language used in The Gruffalo! The children worked well together to come up with lots of adjectives from the book and added in some of their own!

In numeracy we have been working on patterns and relationships, for this task we took inspiration from one of the class’ favourites Elmer the Patchwork Elephant! The Rectangles and Circles created their own repeating patterns on their own Elmer’s while the Squares worked on creating their repeating patterns with a twist! The Squares created their repeating patterns in a colour by number fashion by thinking of sums to go with the numbers in the different boxes!


P5-7 The Victorians

P5-6-7’s topic this term has been The Victorians.  Last week, we created timelines of important events throughout the Victorian Era:

We also linked our topic with Literacy to create an effective advert for a Victorian mode of transport.  We researched our chosen mode of transport first, then used the knowledge we had gained to create an effective advert:

You can watch one of the adverts below:

P5 – 7 Online Learning Update


This term, pupils are learning about time, as well as number patterns and relationships.  Through a mixture of games, problem solving and written tasks, the children have been focusing on calculating durations of time.  Some have even been planning their own days out to a new location – something we can all dream of doing after lockdown!


At the beginning of term, the children used a picture as inspiration to write their own fictional piece of writing.  They focused on writing a story with a well structured beginning, middle and end.  It was good fun reading the twists and turns the children came up with for their story.

In the past couple of weeks, we have focused on non-fiction styles of writing using our topic, The Victorians, as a basis for this.  Last week, we pretended to be Victorian children living in a workhouse and used our knowledge of this to write an effective diary entry.

Other Curricular Areas:

We have been enjoying dancing, boxercise and yoga throughout our PE sessions.  During our art lessons, we went on a virtual trip to a well known gallery in London and learned about a few famous artists.  We completed projects on famous Victorian inventors and thought about what life would be like now if they hadn’t created their inventions:

P1-4 Online Update

P1-4 are continuing to embrace online learning with fantastic efforts in their remote learning tasks! We are very proud of each and everyone for their hard work over these last few weeks.


This term we are looking at Time, as well as patterns and relationships. Pupils have enjoyed looking at the Days of the Week and Months of the Year during home learning. Through a mixture of songs and practical tasks we have been looking at ordering both Months of the Year and Days of the Week. In addition to this we have investigated lengths of time and how long certain tasks may take us to complete. We will be going on to looking at Telling the Time, some pupils have been busy this week making their own clocks at home!



In literacy P1-4 have been continuing to learn new sounds and spelling patterns. In writing we have been looking at creating our owns stories, given a starter or a picture for inspiration, and checking over our work when finished.  We have been learning about nouns and verbs, as well as the P4’s beginning to look at different tense.


Other Curricular Areas

P1-4 have enjoyed selecting tasks to complete from the curricular grid each day. We have had a mixture of Marvel’s Avengers style workouts, researching countries we have visited and helping make the tea to name a few! This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and Tuesday’s story of the day was Lucy’s Blue Day. After listening to the story pupils had the opportunity to discuss how they were feeling and draw a picture of themselves with the colour of hair to match their feelings!


P1-4 January Blog Post

P1-4 have been adapting well to online learning in January. Pupils have been enjoying daily riddles, Newsround and challenges along with their Numeracy, Literacy and Curricular grid tasks. We have also kept up on the Newsround Quiz of the Week on Friday!

During online learning we have been consolidating learning from Term 2 before moving onto new learning in weeks 2 and 3. In numeracy pupils have enjoyed revisiting shape and made some fantastic shape robots and pictures using a variety of 2D and 3D shapes, as well as listing the names and properties for the shapes they have used. Here are some fantastic examples of the shape robots created.

In literacy, we have continued to learn new sounds and focus on spelling. The children have been enjoying having a story uploaded to Google Classroom for them to read and hear daily. We have had some fantastic characters imagined and brought to life in writing through drawings and using adjectives to describe them! Here are some super examples.