P1-4 Blog Post (May 2021)

In Numeracy, we have started looking at Data and Analysis! We have discussed why we learn about data and how this may be used in real life situations! Shortly, we will look at carrying out class surveys and use the data collected to create bar graphs and pictograms! In addition to this, we are continuing to work on our times tables knowledge through fun activities like times tables bingo!

In literacy, we are continuing to learn new sounds and spelling patterns! P1-4 continue to work on their tools for writing and how we can use different punctuation in texts. Pupils have been making sure to self-assess their work and discussed what they can do next time to make it even better!

P1-4 have been learning how to introduce ourselves in French! We have started to learn the basics for conversations and discussed why it is useful to learn another language!

During art with Mrs Gatherum, we have looked at designing posters for our Topic using mixed media. Everyone put a lot of effort into their work and produced some fantastic artwork!

In PE we have been working on our ball skills through throwing and catching! Pupils have taken great care when working in the open space and making sure everyone is safe!


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