Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

January 18, 2019
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Primary 5- Famous Friday

We have recently started our Famous Friday lessons where we are learning about values. Famous Friday teaches us about people who can inspire us to do good things in the world. This week we have explored the life and work of Nelson Mandela as there is so many amazing lessons to be learned from his life.

Nelson Mandela wanted people of all skin colours to have equal rights in South Africa. He spent 27 years in prison because of this. He became the first black president of South Africa and gave everyone equal rights. He is a global icon of peace and tolerance. He has left behind a legacy of love and equality.

We came up with adjectives that we could use to describe him and all of the work that he carried out during his lifetime. These included: brave, determined, kind, perseverant and hard-working.

#famousfriday #nelsonmadela #inspired #values #motivation #globalicon


January 17, 2019
by Mrs Morgan

Fit like i’day Oor Wullie?

This week we have been learning about the Scots language and how around Scotland words can be different and how words are said can sound unusual! We used Oor Wullie to help us try out reading, saying and writing Scottish words.

We listened to some Scottish stories and rhymes and tried to work out what the words meant. Some were very funny!

We also sang Heids, Shooders, Knees and Taes which was lots of fun. Hope you like our singing 🎶


January 17, 2019
by User deactivated

Journalist Training School

This term we are learning how to write effective newspaper reports.  Today we discussed what news is and what makes a story newsworthy.  We decided that a definition of news was

“new information that people want or need to know which has happened recently”

We looked at different newspapers to find news reports under the headings national, international, science & environment, entertainment & culture and sport. 


January 17, 2019
by Mrs Reid


We have been learning how to travel safely along and on the equipment. We have been taking turns, jumping and landing on the mats.

January 17, 2019
by Mrs Read

P7R learn to Dig!

We have already learned the volley but today we were learning and practicing the dig. These are two important moves in volley ball. Next week we’re going to do a few small games. By Callum

January 16, 2019
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Primary 5~ Passport to Europe begins!

As part of our Passport to Europe theme we have been developing our map work skills. We have been using an atlas to identify and label countries within Europe.

“I have learnt that the capital city of Poland is Warsaw”- Nairn

“There are 50 countries in Europe”- Daniel

“Germany is between France and Poland”- Niamh

“Roughly 739 million people live in Europe”- Jamie J

“The smallest country in Europe is The Vatican City in Rome, Italy”- Isla

January 15, 2019
by Mrs Peter

Budding Scientists in Nursery.

We were very lucky to have Cameron’s mum, Mrs Howitt, who is a science teacher, come into Nursery this week to share experiments with us. She showed us one called “Walking Water “. We had to make ladders with absorbent kitchen paper and fold them over the edges of 6 cups which had been placed in a circle. We then poured coloured water into every second cup. We learnt that these are the primary colours, red, blue and yellow.

We then watched in amazement as the water crept up the paper and over the top of the cup into the neighbouring cup where it met the colour coming from the adjacent cup. The mixing of the colours made the secondary colours, green, orange and purple.

We were able to identify these new colours and point them out between the primary colours.

Thank you Mrs Howitt for sharing this fantastic experiment with us.

January 15, 2019
by Mrs Hislop

P4 – Finding out about forces

Today primary 4 found out about gravity. Gravity is the force that pulls us and objects to the ground. We discussed how mass can influence gravity.

To investigate, we carried out an experiment with paper. We had to drop the paper at different angles with different weights attached to see if it would influence the time it takes to drop to the ground.

We made a prediction at the start of our experiment, then we came back to see if we were correct or not.

January 11, 2019
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Primary 5~ Persuasive writing

Primary 5 have been learning to use persuasive techniques during our Literacy sessions this week. We have been exploring the features of persuasive writing and know that it is used to try and convince the reader to do something. We have been identifying the persuasive techniques used in adverts. Using our knowledge, we have created our own adverts selling a product of our choice. We had to ensure our adverts used:

·         positive language- appealing adjectives

·         catchy, memorable slogans- alliteration, rhyme, similes

·         exaggerated language or a rhetorical question

Here are some examples of our fantastic work…


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