Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

January 29, 2019
by Mrs Hislop

P4H Friction Experiment

Primary 4 have been exploring friction this week. We learnt that friction occurs between two surfaces that slide against each other.

We had a theory that the rougher the surface the stronger the friction. So, we carried out an experiment to investigate.

We had four surfaces to test out: smooth, woolen, corrugated card and foam.

We made predications on what surfaces would have the most friction then we went ahead with our experiment.

We had great fun testing out toy cars on the different surfaces!

We recorded our results and explained our findings. We discovered that smooth surfaces had less friction and the woollen surface had the most friction!

January 28, 2019
by Mrs Read

Collaborative Coding

P7R and P5S enjoyed sharing their learning as they explored coding using the Scratch program. Scratch is a block-based visual programming language targeted at children. They looked at algorithms and how to program sprites.

January 25, 2019
by Mrs Reid

Scots verse

To celebrate Robbie Burns birthday, we have been learning some Scots poems.  3 pupils were keen to be heard and recite them at the Scots verse cafe.  They spoke clearly and received a certificate too. Well done!

January 25, 2019
by Mrs Abernethy

Telling the time in Primary 1A

Telling the Time in P1A

We have been learning to tell the time.  We can read and set o’clock times and we have started to learn about half past times too!










We have played the Hickory Dickory Dock time game from ICT games to practice o’clock and half past times.  http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/hickoryDickory/




We have made our own Hickory Dickory Dock clocks.   Can you tell the time using the clocks and watches and ipads in your house?


January 25, 2019
by User deactivated

P3F The Big Garden Bird Watch. rspb

We went outside to practice our observation skills to look for different kinds of birds. We used a reference sheet to identify different types of birds. This activity will put into context our work on data handling using tally marks to record our findings.


January 25, 2019
by User deactivated

P3F Robert Burns

Thank you to the children in our class who helped us celebrate Robert Burns day by saying poetry and playing instruments. 

January 24, 2019
by C Cattell

P6C Begin BSL

This week, P6C began learning British Sign Language as our 2nd additional language. We enjoyed learning how to sign the following conversation:

Hello, how are you?

Good thank you, how are you?

Good. What’s your name?

My name is…. what’s your name?

We are now continuing to practice our BSL alphabet so we can finger spell other words. Learning BSL will improve our communication, observation and turn taking skills.



January 24, 2019
by User deactivated

The Literacy CAFE

Children will have the opportunity to explore different reading tasks each day to develop their reading skills. The challenge will be to independently complete five different reading activities from the reading cafe.

C Comprehension – I understand what I read.

A Accuracy – I can read letters, words and sounds.

F Fluency – I can read smoothly like talking.

E Expand Vocabulary – I can learn new words.


January 24, 2019
by User deactivated

P3F Learning Circle Ideas

We had a meeting with Mrs Burr and she gave us a challenge! She asked us to come up with our ideas of what a Learning Circle should look like, sound like and feel like.

We went back to class and worked cooperatively to shared our thoughts and ideas.

January 18, 2019
by Mrs Abernethy

Addition to 10 in P1A

We have been learning about addition to 10.  We have been creating addition sums, singing addition songs and counting altogether to complete addition sums to 10.  It has been great fun, take a look!





Listen to the pirate addition song at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT_wvvEvkw4

Remember to keep learning your doubles facts to 10! Happy adding!


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