Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

February 7, 2019
by User deactivated

P3F and P5/6 Sharing their Learning

Pupils from P5/6 shared their information technology skills with P3F. The children worked together to create the front cover of a leaflet. They opened a document, choose and inserted an image, changed the font size and how to save.


February 6, 2019
by User deactivated

Gymnastics with Mr Witt

Wow, Mrs Rough was very impressed when she visited P6R during their PE lesson with Mr Witt.  There was great focus, superb listening and lots of children challenging themselves and learning new skills during their gymnastics lesson.

Well done P6R.


February 6, 2019
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Primary 5~ Safer Internet Day

This week as part of ‘Safer Internet Day’ yesterday, Primary 5 have been thinking about different ways in which we can stay safe online. We have explored the top tips we can use to make a positive change online to help keep us and our friends safe.

These include:

  • Be the change- you can make a difference!
  • Be sensible
  • Be careful
  • Be aware
  • Be safe

We watched some videos about cyber bullying and discussed different scenarios and what we should do if they ever happen. Mrs Stephen was very impressed with how engaged the class were and with their thoughtful contributions during our discussions.

Here is a summary of some of the things we have learnt this afternoon:

“Don’t ever share any personal information”- Jack

“Don’t share any photos of someone else because they might not like it”- James M

“Never open an email or message from someone you don’t know because it might be a nasty virus”- Olivia

“Don’t accept any friend requests from people you don’t know”- Matthew

“Ask a parent/ adult if you’re ever unsure about what to do online”- Daniel

“When someone is cyber bullying you or a friend tell an adult straight away”- Jamie A

“Don’t respond to cyber bullies”- Ruaridh

“You shouldn’t ever meet up with anyone that you only know from being online because they might not be who they say they are”- Isla

“Don’t use an easy password and change it regularly. Also don’t share it with anyone”- Ralph

We have made our own internet safety posters to promote how we can stay safe when we are using the wonderful world wide web!


‘I am developing my knowledge and use of safe and acceptable conduct as I use different technologies to interact and share experiences, ideas and information with others.’ TCH2-08a

February 6, 2019
by Mrs Reid

Chinese New Year

Happy New Year!

Primary 1 have been learning about how Chinese people celebrate New Year. We watched some clips about how people celebrate and saw how a carnival dragon could dance. We watched a power point about how the years were named after some animals won a race. 2019 is the year of the pig. When our class was born was the year of the snake.

Putting the animals in order.

Writing stories.

Designing dragon masks.

Re-enacting the story.

Drawing some of the animals.

Writing some Chinese numbers.

Making Chinese lanterns.

February 5, 2019
by Mrs Peter

Chinese New Year

The children have explored the fascinating details of the Chinese culture through celebrations to mark Chinese New Year. We watched a short film about this important time in China and went on to create an interest table and this has attracted lots of interaction.

Izzy and Isla wanted to tell everyone “ 2019, it is the year of the Pig “ so they copied the words to make a sign for the table.


The craft tables were also inundated with children keen to be involved in making well known Chinese celebratory items including lanterns and dancing dragons.

We created our lanterns by practicing our scissor control on folded paper.

Our dancing dragons needed strong fingers to make small folds backwards and forwards in strips of paper to create the bending body and more scissor control to cut out colourful head shapes.

Chinese families take part in lots of feasts to celebrate, so for our snack we had lots of fun substituting tweezers for chopsticks to pick up noodles and prawn crackers. Great finger exercises!!

“ Happy New Year” for 2019, Year of the pig 🐖




February 5, 2019
by User deactivated

P3F Poetry Patrol

This term we have been learning all about poetry through the Poetry Patrol Pack.

We have written about animals. We wrote acrostic, sense and riddle poems. We each choose our favourite poem from the poems we had written. We completed the entry form and sent them to the Poetry Patrol.

We enjoyed reading our poems to each other.

February 1, 2019
by Mrs Abernethy

Learning through Play in Primary One

Learning through Play in Primary One

We have been developing our shared area to provide continuous play provision.  We have created three learning zones which are resourced and set up to allow the children to engage in long periods of purposeful play and learning.  All the children have been trained in how to use each zone and how to get it ready for new learning during their tidying up time at the end of their session.

During their play and learning experiences we are encouraging the children to :

  • Share their ideas
  • Listen to their friends thoughts and ideas
  • Take on different roles
  • Tidy up and put everything in the right place using the photographs to help

We have The Imagination Zone




We have the Construction Zone




We have the Role Play Zone




The children have been enjoying the new challenges and the opportunity to play with friends from other classes.  Ask your child about their experiences and learning in The Area.

February 1, 2019
by Mrs Jen Stephen
1 Comment

Primary 5~ River Dee Opening Ceremony

Primary 5 were extremely lucky this morning to be invited along to join in the celebrations for the opening of the River Dee fishing season, held at Banchory Lodge. We had a lovely time listening to the opening speeches and presentations and even got to enjoy some delicious food!! Then a piper escorted everyone to the snowy riverside where the guest speaker, former rugby union footballer Rob Wainwright, toast the river with a quaich of whisky and cast the first line of the season.

We had a fantastic morning and Mrs Stephen was SO impressed with how excellent all of the Primary 5 pupils behaved. Well done Primary 5 and a huge thank you to our parent helpers for coming along with us too!!

January 30, 2019
by Mrs Peter

Winter weather scientists

The winter weather has prompted many learning and fun opportunities in Nursery this week.

We discussed where our weather comes from and we used a Pop Bottle kit to see how clouds and rain are formed.

The first experiment was to make clouds, Mrs Watt had to blow into the bottle which had warm water in it and we trapped her vapour, we then added a match which had been extinguished and was smoking. When we touched the sides of the bottle clouds formed.

Next we made rain by condensation, we put ice in the top half and boiling water in the bottom. When the steam rose and touched the cold icy walls of the top compartment the ice started to melt and “rain” dripped back down through the neck of the bottle.The children felt the hot compartment and then the cold one and we shared our learning knowing that ice is frozen water and when it touches hot it will melt.

We have really enjoyed learning in the snow with letters/ shapes being formed, names being written and the different states of water being observed.

Alexandra, Adam and Amelia all made the first letter of their name.

We also just love having fun and working together in the snow!!!!



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