Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

February 27, 2019
by User deactivated

P7 Maths Challenge

This week some of the children from P7 attended a Maths Challenge morning at Banchory Academy, with all of the other schools in the cluster. There was a logic round, a group problem solving round and a relay round in pairs. The children exhibited fantastic team work and transferred a range of maths skills in each round.

“It is fun to interact with children from other schools and the maths was challenging but fun.” Peter P7C

“It’s been very nerve wrecking but exciting at the same time.” Carmen P7R

“I enjoyed the group round, we worked well as a team.” Alex P7R

“My favourite part of the morning was the logic round.” Liam P7C

“I really enjoyed the maths challenges but loved seeing the academy too. ” Jessica P7R

“I think our teamwork has been really good.” Robbie P7C

Very proud of all the children but a special congratulations to the winning team of Grace, Peter and Erin.

February 27, 2019
by User deactivated

P7 Play Leaders

P7 had our Active Schools Co-ordinatot Mr Borzini come in to assess the children on their play leader training. They had to plan, organise and deliver group sessions to P2. Mr Borzini was very impressed with their interaction with the younger children and their creativity with activities and everyone successfully passed. P2 also really enjoyed the sessions and were so enthusiastic.

February 25, 2019
by C Cattell

P6 Road Safety

On Thursday, P6 had a great opportunity to watch a road safety play. The play focused on how to deal with peer-pressure when crossing roads safely as well as how to be safe on our bikes. Throughout the play we had a chance to ask and respond to questions and we had some great discussions about how to be safe around roads.

February 25, 2019
by C Cattell

P6C Become Knot Masters

P6C have recently started learning how to tie different knots in forest skills. A new knot is introduced during our outdoor learning on a Friday and then this is taught to the rest of the class the following week. We practice our knots throughout the week to make sure we are all confident tieing each one. So far we have learned to tie a clove hitch, figure of 8 and zeppelin knot.  We have also had a chance to practice using our knots when we were challenged to build a bridge in outdoor learning. We succeeded thanks to our strong knots and excellent team work!


February 22, 2019
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Primary 5~ Europe Talks

As part of our Passport to Europe context for learning, Primary 5 have been developing their talking and listening skills through presenting their European country talks to the class.

We have listened to several fascinating and informative talks about a variety of European countries such as Italy, Spain, Iceland, Germany, Poland and many more. We have learnt lots of interesting facts about these countries and Mrs Stephen has been very impressed with our efforts to use an appropriate pace and tone and lots of eye contact to engage our audience.

Some of the interesting facts we have learnt include:

Poland has the biggest castle in Europe – Ruaridh

The capital city of Norway is Oslo- Niamh

The population of Belgium is 11,535,732- James

September is the best month to swim in the Ocean in Portugal because it goes up to 20 degrees- Jess

The capital city of Austria is Vienna- Isla

February 21, 2019
by Mrs Read

P7 went on a journey about road safety

Baldybane Theatre Group visited p7 today to deliver a workshop on road safety. They delivered dramas and held forums discussing many subtle aspects of road safety. The children were very engaged and participated enthusiastically.. The characters Jack and Ronnie had a lot to learn about keeping themselves and others safe. Lots of the p7s gave them some exellent advice. We learned about the breaking distances of cars and road safety facts.  Ask them if they remember any!

February 21, 2019
by Mrs Peter

Puppy visit

We are very grateful to Lauren’s Grandparents for visiting Nursery with their new puppy Sam. The children were very excited to meet him and Sam took it all in his stride.

The children asked lots of questions about Sam’s play, his walks and how he is looked after. They found out that he is 12 weeks old and his favourite toy is a ball which has treats in it and he plays with it in the garden. They also discussed how to be a responsible owner always carrying bags to clean up after your dog.

Thank you again Sam and Lauren’s family.

February 20, 2019
by Mrs Peter

Stay and Play

We were delighted to welcome Parents and Carers this week to come into Nursery and join in our play. We shared new ideas from emerging literacy training and hope to develop further parental involvement through our improvement plan ideas.

We can make our fingers strong through fun with pipettes and pipe cleaners through straws.

Making raindrops using spray bottles on a cling film pillar

We enjoy showing all our maths, literacy and creative skills to our families.

All sorts of our learning through playing with technology were on show including yoga on the smart board and our new ipads.

Always time for a story

Thank you to everyone who came along and for joining us in play, also to our siblings who were so keen to see what we do in Nursery.

February 20, 2019
by User deactivated

p3F Visit to Banchory Library, Musem and Survey


Listening when we heard a story about a castle and when we asked our questions.

Reading out our questions.

Discussed the world of work when we spoke about the jobs people did in castles.

Data handling using tally marks.

Wonderful walking.

Observation and remembering in the museum.

Thank you to the people of Banchory, the Library and the Museum.

We had a fantastic fun filled learning day.

February 15, 2019
by Mrs Hislop

P4H – Science Centre Visit

Last Monday we visited Aberdeen Science Centre, where we got to “Feel the Forces”. We carried out experiments exploring gravity, air resistance, static energy and magnetism.
Everyone enjoyed exploring the different exhibits that were on offer!

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