Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

March 7, 2019
by Mrs Reid

World book day

Fabulous costumes for World book day 2019.  An exciting day of book related activities and our P6 Reading buddies came down to share our favourite books that we took in today.

March 5, 2019
by Mrs Peter

Flipping fun in Nursery.

We celebrated Shrove Tuesday with traditional pancake activities and shared our learning on why this is an important Christian festival and not just great fun making pancakes and eating them.

The children are all now involved in weekly baking activities and today’s groups brought many skills to the table, following the recipe, measuring and mixing.

We then practiced our flipping skills while Mrs Peter cooked the real thing for tasting.

Doesnt even matter if the pancake landed in the pan or not!!!

We used as many Fairtrade products as possible and we are able to recognise the symbols on our food.

We love pancakes!!!

March 4, 2019
by Miss Sutherland

P3S – ‘Parler Francais’

On Friday we performed our Sharing the Learning Assembly.

It was very special as we performed lots of it in French!

We called our assembly ‘Parler Francais’which means ‘Speak French’.

We taught our audience the French we have been learning in class:  colours, numbers, days of the week, months of the year, the French alphabet, animals, classroom equipment and classroom instructions.

We also introduced the audience to our special friend Camembear who helps us with our learning in French.


As our Context For Learning is ‘Castles’, we even named the different parts of the castle in French and performed a role play about a trip to a castle!

We all did an amazing job of learning our speaking parts and song words, projecting our voices and talking clearly and confidently.

We all looked fantastic dressed in the colours of the french flag – bleu, blanc et rouge.

Miss Sutherland was very proud of us all.

Tres Bien Primary 3S!


March 1, 2019
by User deactivated


We explored feeling  and how to be safe with medicine. We remembered where the organs of the body are and helped HRold and his friend. 

February 28, 2019
by Mrs Reid


This week we visited the ALEC tent.  We were learning “All about me.” We met Harold the giraffe and Jos and Janice.  We were talking about how to keep fit and healthy and how to keep ourselves safe.  We looked at some of our important organs and the jobs that they did. We looked at how to brush our teeth, hair and wash ourselves every day. We also looked at some of our feelings and what to do or who to talk to when we are feeling sad.  We had a lovely afternoon and learned lots of new things.

February 27, 2019
by Mrs Peter

Nursery goes bananas for Fairtrade.

We are exploring all about Fairtrade to mark its yearly focus. We were very lucky to have Lynn from Tesco come to visit with stories about bananas and chocolate.

Lynn explained all about how Fairtrade products give farmers a better deal for their crops and which symbols we can look out for in the supermarket.

We learnt where in the world bananas grow and that they grow upside down.

We learnt a poem about how monkeys open bananas with their toes but you have to hold them upside down, squeeze them with strong fingers till they pop open.

We used the special banana “toy” to chop up our banana.


Lynn also told us all about chocolate and where it comes from, we tasted dark, milk and white then voted for our favourite.

We learned so much about Fairtrade that we used it in our play “ we are having Fairtrade chocolate “

Thank you so much Lynn.

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