Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

August 31, 2018
by User deactivated

Welcome to P6R

Everyone is settling brilliantly into P6R.  We are so impressed by the behaviour of the children and their positive attitude to the life and work of the school.

This past two weeks we have been getting to know each other, and getting settled into our new work patterns.  We spent time discussing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and selected those that we felt were most important to us.

We created a class charter to display in our room to remind us of these conversations.

We are really looking forward to our year together.

August 29, 2018
by User deactivated

P3 P.E. Skipping Skills

In P.E. our skipping skills include speed and direction.

We have also been developing our skills in movement, turn taking and sharing ideas.

August 29, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Primary 5~ Reading

Primary 5 have been learning and revising different reading strategies to help us develop our comprehension skills. Today we have been working on the visualisation strategy.

As we read, we create mental images of what is happening in the story as it unfolds, based on what we already know and understand about the world around us. This strategy can help us have a better understanding of what we are reading in a text.

Our task was to read a poem about a green giant called Sam. We had to then draw what we visualised him to look like, using the clues in the text. Mrs Stephen thinks we all did a fantastic job of doing so! Don’t you?

We discussed that it’s important to remember everyone will have their own ideas of what characters/ settings will look like in their head and that our drawings/visualisations don’t need to be the same.

August 28, 2018
by Miss Fry

Following on from our work last week on bucket filling, today we read “The Crayon Box That Talked” by Shane DeRolf. It is all about some crayons that don’t get along. A little girl draws a picture with them and they begin to see that even although they are all unique they can work together to make beautiful pictures.

We discussed how to be kind to others in class and worked in teams to decorate individual jigsaw pieces to make into a group picture. We decided a good team should listen to each other, use kind words, share materials and talk when it’s your turn.

It was tricky but we all worked well together in our teams. Do you like our jigsaws?

August 27, 2018
by Miss Patterson

Introducing STEM to P4/5

On Friday,  P4/5 began to explore some of the principles of STEM.  They were able to identify the four main areas and use some skills in each.  They were tasked with planning and building an interesting building but the materials had to stay within budget.

August 24, 2018
by Mrs Morgan
1 Comment

P2M We are all Bucket Fillers!

We would like to welcome everyone back to P2 after their summer break.

We have had a fantastic start, and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know everyone. We look forward to a hardworking and fun year together.

This week we read a lovely story called Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. It told us that everyone carries around an invisible bucket which has only one purpose…to hold all our good thoughts and feelings about ourselves. You feel happy when your bucket is full and sad when it is empty. We learned that our behaviour can help fill someone else’s bucket such as helping them, saying something kind or even just a smile! 😀. When you fill someone else’s bucket, you fill your own too.

We used this story to think about our behaviour and what we could do to be “Bucket Fillers”. We decorated our own buckets in class and are using pom poms to fill them when we have shown friendship and kindness.



Thank you for a great start P2M!

Mrs Leith & Mrs Morgan

August 21, 2018
by Miss Patterson

First Day in P5/6

Primary 5/6 have spent some time getting to know each other today.  We played ‘find an autograph’ which helped us to find out interesting information about each other.  Then we worked in teams to build card towers where each card represented something that the team had in common.  We had some very successful tower building!

We also watched an animation called ‘Soar’ which reminded us that it is important to help each other and to not give up when we meet challenges.

A really positive start, P5/6!

August 21, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Welcome to Primary 5 with Mrs Stephen!

Welcome to Primary 5!

We are so excited for our P5 adventure and look forward to sharing some of our learning with you through our school blog.

Amongst other activities, today we asked ourselves a question:

What’s the perfect combination for terrific teamwork?

We think we’ve come up with a great recipe for success! We’ve created this recipe to help remind us…

A recipe for successful TEAM WORK!


100g of Kindness

Related image

10 bags of helpfulness

A handful of respect

2 cups of effort

A jug of politeness

50kg of communication and cooperation

20 tbsp of creativity


Combine all of the ingredients together into a bowl and it’s ready to serve into portions!

Using the recipe for success, we took part in a group work challenge that involved working in pairs or trios to create the longest paper chain they could from one A3 piece of paper. I’m sure you’ll agree from the pictures, the children excelled in the challenge! Well done P5, great demonstration of fantastic teamwork skills and what a great first day back! 😊

August 13, 2018
by Miss Patterson

HOBS 2018-2019

Welcome to our school blog for this session.  We are looking forward to filling it to give a snap shot of what we do at Hill of Banchory.  We also look forward to seeing your comments and feedback.

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