Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

September 11, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen
1 Comment

Primary 5~ The history of hats!

As part of our ‘Dancing through the decades’ theme, Primary 5 have had a look at hats through time and discussed how hat design has evolved over the decades.  We chose from a selection of fashion illustrations of hats and made a detailed pencil study of it, whilst also ensuring the head size was in proportion.

September 10, 2018
by User deactivated

P3F Visit to the Allotments

We visited the allotments at Woodend Barn. This is in connection with our context for learning – Food and Sustainability – grow your own. Having explored the landscape of my local area we can describe one of the ways in which land has been used. We are developing an awareness of food and its local availability, seasonality and sustainability.

Mr Bashforth planted two potatoes last year and we counted he dug up twelve today!

On our walk back we met the Banchory Path Association men. They showed us the tools they had bought from the money we raised and donated to them when we did the The Fun Run.

Thank you to Mr Bashforth and our helpers.  From Mrs Fox and P3F


September 10, 2018
by Miss Patterson

Place Value with P4

Primary 4 have been learning about place value this week. Today we went outdoors to use different materials to demonstrate our knowledge on this topic.

We collected stones, twigs and leaves to represent digits.

We challenged ourselves further by exploring tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands!

Mrs Hislop was very impressed that everyone was willing to challenge themselves as much as possible – great job primary 4!

September 10, 2018
by Miss Fry

P2M maths week

This week is Maths Week. For number work we have been looking at numbers up to 100 and their order. Today we practised our recognition of 2 digit numbers by playing some bingo. We all had lots of fun learning our numbers and Rebecca was our lucky winner! Well done Rebecca.

September 7, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

Welcome to P1A

P1A have completed their first week of whole days at school! Well done to everyone! We have been kept busy with our learning and becoming familiar with new routines. Take a look!

We will look forward to seeing you all at the Open Afternoon next week.

Counting teddies in the water.

Exploring the numicon.


Our first painting.

Using the smart pals to practise our letter formations.


Snack and story time.

Out and about on the daily mile.


Our phonics activity : t for teddy.

Building and making in the sand.


September 7, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen
1 Comment

Primary 5 Numeracy

Primary 5 have been learning about Factors, Multiples, Square and Prime numbers in our numeracy session today.

“Factors are numbers that divide equally into another number with no remainders.” – Niamh

Factors can be shown in pairs.

The factors of 12 are:

  • 1 and 12    1 x 12 = 12
  • 2 and 6     2 x 6 = 12
  • 3 and 4    3 x 4 = 12    –Matthew

We created factor bugs to show our understanding.

Bugs have a target number in the middle and you have to give the bugs legs which are pairs of factors. The antennae of the bugs are always 1 and the target number.

“If a bug only has antennae and no legs it is a prime number- this means it can only be divided by 1.” –Isla

“19, 13 and 7 are examples of prime numbers.”- Sarah

Some bugs can have a tail which means the number is a square number.

“9 is a square number and would have a tail because 3 x 3  is 9”- Ralph

The skills we used for this task were problem solving skills, multiplication and division skills, listening skills and memory skills. Mrs Stephen was very impressed how hard we worked today! Keep it up Primary 5 😊

September 7, 2018
by Mrs Reid

P6 Reading Buddies

This week we started our reading buddies scheme where children from P6 are paired up with our P1 class. We share reading books with our buddies who have been brilliant role models for our new pupils. Primary 1 have been very excited to make some new friends and have listened well and talked about their stories.

September 7, 2018
by Mrs Read

P7 Developing Leadership Skills

P7 are working hard to become young leaders. They are developing skills in communication, cooperation, leadership and creativity.  They are exploring the Aberdeenshire STEP principle for play leader training. In the coming weeks they will put these skills into practice leading the P1s and P2s during lunch time sessions.

September 4, 2018
by User deactivated

To Infinity and Beyond!

P6R have been very creative with their homework this week. We have seen beautiful edible planets, sun and stars. We have even had cupcake galaxies! They all looked very yummy. Well done to our amazing bakers.

September 3, 2018
by Mrs Peter

Big changes in Nursery

A warm welcome to HOB Nursery to all our new children and well done to all our returning boys and girls for helping them to settle.

HOB Nursery is participating in the trial for the 1140 extended childcare provision and we have seen lots of changes in our setting.

We now offer lunch, Mrs Watt is all ready to go!!

The children are enjoying sitting down to have lunch with their friends.

Eli and Daniel have been very good at trying new foods, ” I didn’t know I liked soup”. Aaron loves staying for lunch.

Lunch is fun and so yummy.

The children have the opportunity to eat on 3 separate occasions dependent on their chosen sessions.

The Nursery Staff would like to thank all parents for their patience during the settling in period and also to the Catering Staff for their support.

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