Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

September 26, 2018
by Mrs Reid

Road safety walk with Ziggy

We were walking across the road with a partner. We found a safe place to cross at the zebra crossing.

We wore our high-viz vests so that the traffic could see us.

We should follow the Firbrae footsteps to keep us safe when we walk to school.

We met our friend Ziggy again. We had remembered a lot about how to cross the road safely from when we met him in Nursery. We watched some of his stories on the Smartboard.

We drew some pictures and spoke about how we cross the road safely.

We had to keep looking and listening for traffic. The cars had to stop for us.

September 26, 2018
by Mrs Morgan

P2M Learning about Right Angles!

This week P2M have started learning about right angles.

“An angle is the distance between 2 lines.” Noah

“Some shapes don’t have angles…like a circle.” Ella A

“A square has 4 right angles.” Lucy M

“A right angle is 90 degrees.” Taylor

“Right angles are shaped like L.” Harris

First we made our own angle testers. We cut off a corner and then drew on a square to show where the right angle was.


Then we went on a right angle hunt around our classroom. We were amazed at how many we found.

“There were lots of things in the classroom that had right angles.” Ella A

“The right angle hunt was fun!” Noah

“We had to have beedy eyes to find them.” Athina

“The angle tester fitted perfectly in corners.” Poppy


Tomorrow we are going on a right angle hunt around school…I wonder how many we will find outside?

“I’m going to look on the bench.” Jasmin

“I’m going to look on the fence for right angles.” Logan

“When I go on the hunt I’m going to look on the school walls.” Rebecca.

September 26, 2018
by C Cattell

P6C Moon Studies

PC6 have been learning about the phases of the moon. We can now identify the eight phases and explain why there are different phases. We will use our knowledge of the phases to track the moon over the next few weeks.

September 24, 2018
by Mrs Hislop

P4 Roman Jewellery

This week primary 4 have been finding out about Roman clothing. On Wednesday they focused on Roman jewellery and what it looked like.

Primary 4 enjoyed coming up with designs and creating them with pasta, paint, beads and string.

September 21, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

P1A Phonics Play & Soft starts

Phonics & Play

Thank you to everyone who  attended our soft starts this week.  It was an opportunity to see your children in their P1 environment getting themselves organised and ready to start their day.  We hope you enjoyed some of the activities they shared with you in the classroom and area.

I can write the letter ‘d’. Isla

I am playing in the sand with my Mum. Jacob

I like playing with the numicon spinner. Isla

I like playing at the fine motor table. Rhys

I am playing the sound game with my Mum. Frankie

I am practising the letter ‘f’. Finlay

I like playing with the Numicon. Erin

I like bead making. Neave


I can write over the letters in the smartpal. Carly


September 21, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

Maths week in P1A

We have had a busy week learning to read,write and order our numbers to 10.

We have been painting our numbers to five and printing shapes to five.

I can write my numbers to 5. by Ethan

I like being the teacher and clicking the dice. By Megan.


I can order my numbers to 10. By Rhys

Exploring numicon.


Keep counting Primary One!


September 21, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen
1 Comment

Primary 5 Fashionistas!

Primary 5S have had a taste of what it’s like to be fashion designers recently. They were given a design brief which was to plan and design their own textile (a t-shirt). We had to consider the imagery we wanted, the colours, the font and what kind of style we’d like our t-shirts to be (e.g. fringed sleeves/ cold shoulders/ cropped etc). We used lots of different skills throughout this activity including decision making skills and our creative, time-management and thinking skills too.

We have all come up with unique and creative designs and Mrs Stephen has been very impressed with our final products! I’m sure you’ll agree that our t-shirts look great?! We are all very proud to wear them!

September 20, 2018
by User deactivated

Autumn Writing

P6R have been inspired by the dramatic change in the weather- autumn has certainly arrived!

We went outside to have a look at all the signs of autumn surrounding us. We used our senses to see what we could feel, hear, see and smell.  Back in class we tasted juicy apples, plums and bramble jam.

We used all these experiences to inspire our writing. We have been learning about similes and metaphors so the children were challenged to write about autumn using their senses and including a simile or metaphor.


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