Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

October 4, 2018
by C Cattell

P6C Get Cycling

P6C had a fantastic time trying out different bikes during our Get Cycling session today. We learned about all the different ways we can travel to school.

October 4, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen
1 Comment

Primary 5 ‘Get about!’

Primary 5 thoroughly enjoyed their cycling session in the autumnal sunshine this morning. We got the chance to ride all sorts of different bikes, from unicycles and tandems to tricycles and penny farthings! It was a great fun experience for us all!

October 3, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen
1 Comment

Primary 5~ Problem solving

In our maths lessons this week we have been revising addition and subtraction and have been solving practical word problems with the help of the RUCSAC method. This process in maths is very important. It is only when you have interpreted the problem correctly that you can begin looking for the right method of solving it.

The acronym RUCSAC stands for:

We have really enjoyed working through this process to solve lots of challenging addition and subtraction questions. Mrs Stephen has been impressed with our level of resilience and not giving up when questions appear too hard or confusing at first. Keep it up Primary 5! 🙂

October 1, 2018
by C Cattell

P6C Algebraic Thinking

Today, P6C have been using function machines in maths to develop algebraic thinking. We learned that the missing number in the function machine is known as x in algebra. We then used this knowledge to write our own algebra equations for the function machines we had used.

October 1, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen

Primary 5 showcase their learning!

 Well done Primary 5 for a fantastic assembly performance on Friday!! You all worked so hard to make it successful. You looked and performed like superstars! You should all be very proud of yourself!!

September 28, 2018
by Mrs Hislop

Mesolithic Deeside Visit – P4

Primary 4 got a visit from Sheila and Ally from Mesolithic Deeside. Mesolithic Deeside are a group of archaeologists, students and local volunteers investigating the river Dee area.

We explored timelines, finding out when Romans existed all the way to the Stone age!

“Romans were 2,000 years ago!” – Benji

We found out about searches in local areas – some of them near where we live.

“When they search the ground they have to move up and down fields” – Delia

Then we got to see some of the important things that had been found in local fields and how they may have been used many years ago.

“Flint was used for cutting things up and for making fire” – Martha
“Hammers were made of wood and stone” – Jack A
“Minerals were thrown on fire to create different colours” – Glika

September 28, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

P1A Road Safety Walk

We are learning about how to cross the road safely. We got some help from our friend Ziggy who we first met in Nursery.  We watched some video clips, played some games and listened to  story on the Go Safe website before our walk.


On our walk we remembered to walk on the safe side of the pavement, hold hands with our partners and to STOP,LOOK AND LISTEN before we cross the road.

Our hi-viz vests keep us safe!


We crossed using the crossings near our school.

The Fir-brae footsteps showed us the safe route into the school.

We had fun on the Fir-brae footsteps.

Back in the classroom we talked about our walk and did some black pen drawings which share our learning.









Remember to be safe when crossing the road and keep reading your Ziggy Road safety books at home.

September 27, 2018
by User deactivated

5,4,3,2,1 Blast Off!

This afternoon we took our learning outdoors for a little bit of rocket science.  We used 35mm film canisters, fizzing antacid tablets and water to build canister rockets.

We had to wear our safety goggles as we experimented with different quantities of water and tablet to see how high we could launch our rockets in the air.

The water dissolves the tablet and the gas carbon dioxide is released. This leads to a build up in pressure until eventually the cap blasts off and the rocket blasts up.

This system of thrust is how a real rocket works though of course they use rocket fuel.

Could you try this at home? You could experiment controlling the rocket’s path by adding fins and a nose cone made from paper.

September 27, 2018
by Mrs Morgan

P2M Building Site Visit

We went to visit Bancon Homes building site on Tuesday.

First, we met Bob who told us how to stay safe on the building site because it could be a dangerous place. Bob explained about the new Oakland Development and asked us to look at the houses as we were walking to see if we could spot any differences in them.



Then we visited the Suds Basin and he explained that any extra water could drain away here.


Next we met Jamie where they were building flats. He explained about the different trades people who were needed to build houses. We need plumbers, painters, electricians,  joiners, plasterers, slaters and the gardeners.

Finally, we walked round to the new phase of houses. We watched them building terraced houses. We saw a yellow digger which was digging holes and we saw a dumper truck taking muck away.


“It was fun at the building site.” Ella A

“We had an excellent time at the building site.” Taylor

“We learned about being careful on the building site.” Lily

“I enjoyed when the digger came past us.” Miller

“When the digger picked up the machine, I like it!” Athina


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