Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

November 9, 2018
by Mrs Hislop

Primary 4 – PowerPoint

Primary 4 have been using their new PowerPoint skills to create a presentation on a chosen area within our Roman and Celt theme.
They have acquired new skills which can help them in the world of work.

“I have learnt how to transition slides in PowerPoint” – Kyle
“I know how to get pictures online and use the internet to get new facts” – Gabriela
“I learnt that you can get pictures straight from PowerPoint” – Charley

They used great research skills to gather information from books and the internet to create informed presentations which they then shared with the class.


November 9, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

P1A Ladybird Doubles

Doubles to 10


P1A are learning their doubles facts to 20 this term.  We are listening to our doubles rap to help us remember the facts.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik_-OAgzD-8



3+3=6 was the most popular sum on our display.




We have been making doubles on the smartboard and recording the sums.


November 9, 2018
by C Cattell

P6C Forest Skills

The first group from P6C had a fantastic morning in the forest. We learned lots of new skills such as climbing, building and fire lighting. We used the to make a tasty snack of hot chocolate and toasted marshmallows. We built swings, zip-lines and our own campsites! The second group are looking forward to their morning in the woods next Friday.

November 9, 2018
by User deactivated

P3F Enabling Environment

We have designed and organised our new enabling environment. We have made labels and drew pictures of the equipment. We developed a way of keeping the area tidy and to make sure everything goes back in the right place.

November 7, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen
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Primary 5~ Table tennis

Primary 5 have been developing and learning new skills and techniques involved in order to play table tennis. So far we have learnt how to serve correctly and play a backhand and forehand push. This has helped develop our cooperation and concentration skills too!

November 6, 2018
by Mrs Hislop

P4 Right Angles

Primary 4 have been learning about right angles. We made a “right angle checker” by folding a circle in half and then in half again.
We used our checker around the classroom to see what right angles we could find.

We then took our right angle checkers outside to see how many right angles we could find.
There were lots of right angles in the playground!

Pupils have taken their checkers home to see if they can find any right angles in their house.

November 2, 2018
by Miss Leicester

P2L: Leaf Man

This week we have read the story, ‘Leaf Man,’ by Lois Ehlert. This has been part of our learning about the Autumn Season. In the story Autumn leaves are used to create all of the pictures. We took our learning and created leaf people and animals.

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