Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

November 14, 2018
by User deactivated

Being Grateful

This afternoon Miss Richardson encouraged us to think about what gratitude is and what it means to be grateful for something.  This led to lots of chat about the difference in needing something and wanting something.

We decorated stones to show what we are grateful for.

Lots of us decided to illustrate our stones to show how grateful we are for our family.


November 14, 2018
by Mrs Morgan

P2M World of Work

Today P2M have been investigating new construction toys. We have been using our skills to build structures, make gears, design and create animals and generally using our imagination.

Our first key question was…”What could we do with this equipment?”  So we had a free play to begin with before we looked at the instructions or pictures.

Then our second key question was…”How could we teach this to P1 children?” So we had to think about the language we used that would help others.

We discussed how all of our new construction activities would help us build skills that we would need when we grew up.

“I think I would like to be a mechanic and use the gears to make bits move.” Jack

“I would like to be a builder and actually make buildings!” Poppy

“I would like to be a joiner because I liked fitting the wooden parts together to make something.” Logan

It was a fun problem solving session!

November 12, 2018
by Mrs Peter

Stay and Play in Nursery.

Thank you to all the parents/carers who came to our first Stay and Play since the start of our extended provision. These sessions provide a chance to engage in the children’s learning through play and to see how the children have settled into Nursery routines.

We love to share our learning whether it is our discussions on “people who help us” or stories about transport.



We even took our transport theme outdoors to learn all about traffic lights.

The parents even helped the children decorate the piggy banks we bought to help with our fine motor skills. Angela from Childsmile also visited to help us develop good tooth brushing techniques.

Thanks for coming Mum!




November 9, 2018
by Mrs Morgan

P2M Successful Symmetry!

Last week, P2M started learning about symmetry.

As it was Halloween, we created symmetrical pumpkins and ghosts. We had to fold paper, cut accurately and add details. Whatever we did to one side of the line of symmetry we had to do a mirror image on the other side. It was a fun way to start our learning!

This week we have been investigating symmetry at our Symmetry Stations. We have been folding, checking, creating and designing our own symmetrical shapes, pictures and patterns. We have also drawn lines of symmetry on to shapes. It was tricky because we had to be very accurate and use a ruler carefully!


We have learned how to use a mirror to check if a shape or picture is symmetrical and how to use it to continue a pattern and create our own picture or designs.

We have been playing games to extend our knowledge of symmetry.

November 9, 2018
by Miss Sutherland

P3S Remembrance

Today we have been learning about Remembrance Day and thinking about those who died in wars.

We produced some beautiful writing and we are very proud of our work.  So is Miss Sutherland!

Well done Primary 3S.

November 9, 2018
by Miss Leicester

P2L Crathes Nature Hide

On Thursday the 8th of November we visited the Crathes Nature Hide to look for badgers. We met the Rangers Toni and Steven and we went on a long walk through the estate. We found out lots of new information about Autumn including why some trees drop their leaves and some don’t. We learned more about the wildlife on the estate and tracked animals by looking for clues. We spotted rabbit fur and a badger latrine. We loved the nature hide and we have set up cameras to help spot the nocturnal animals near the hide. What a great day! Thank You Crathes Castle!

November 9, 2018
by Mrs Read

We will remember them

“In Flanders’Fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below”

John McCrae 1872 – 1918

November 9, 2018
by Mrs Reid

Meet The Robinsons

Primary 1 have welcomed a new family to Hill of Banchory school.  They are The Robinsons and we will be getting to know them very well over the next few weeks.  Do you know their names yet? We have been finding out about our new family, we have been learning their names, playing some games and painting some pictures of them. We are looking forward to joining them in our reading books and finding out about the adventures they go on.

November 9, 2018
by Miss Sutherland

Primary 3S – Bones and Bodies!

We have been learning all about the human skeletal system.

We worked in co-operative learning groups to create a life sized skeleton!  We had to label all the bones and it was quite tricky but we worked together and we all got there in the end!




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