Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

November 20, 2018
by User deactivated

p3F Scottish Book Week – Therapet Visit

Daisy the dog came to visit our class. She is trained to visit people to help them feel relaxed. Daisy goes to the university and hospitals. Daisy also spends time in schools. She likes going for walks and seeing other dogs. Daisy also likes stories. Matty, Daisy’s owner read our class a story. Daisy helped us to listen well and we all enjoyed the story.

November 19, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen
1 Comment

Primary 5~ Be kind

As part of anti-bullying week, Primary 5 were given a set of instructions.

1. Read the quote inside your paper heart

2. Crumple up your paper heart

3. Now make it go back to the way it was before with no creases

Primary 5 discovered that step 3 can’t be done. No matter how hard you try to smooth out the creases of the paper heart, the wrinkles are still visable.

We then discussed the moral of this activity which is that when you say something hurtful to someone, you can never take it back. The damage has been done and you can’t undo it. Although you can apologise, that person will always remember the hurtful things you have said.


November 16, 2018
by User deactivated


Last week in art we created beautiful autumn pictures of falling leaves. We used pastels for the leaves and paint for the background. Adding salt to the wet paint added texture and depth to our work.

In writing this term we are learning about different styles of poetry. This week we learnt about Japanese haiku poems.  These poems have a three line structure and the lines follow the syllable structure 5-7-5.  Haikus traditionally have a nature theme. We wrote our own haikus on autumn.

November 16, 2018
by C Cattell
1 Comment

P6C Outdoor Learning

The second forest skills group had a  busy morning building luxury bug hotels outside. We gathered lots of natural materials and worked together to plan and build our hotels. Our hotels had to have somewhere for the bugs to rest, eat and move around. We then recorded a tour of our exciting hotels! We then decided to raise awareness of Children in Need by making a Pudsey picture using leaves!


November 16, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen
1 Comment

Primary 5~ bake cakes for Children in Need

Primary 5 have had a very busy few days! As part of our ‘Food glorious food’ theme we have been following recipes in order to bake a variety of delicious homebakes including cupcakes, shortbread, smarties fudge and chocolate crispies! We used and developed lots of skills throughout our busy day of baking yesterday such as our cooking skills, how to manage our time appropriately and our listening and cooperation skills.

We then sold our tasty treats at our parent cafe and to the whole school in order to raise money and awareness for Children in Need.  Through this task, primary 5 pupils have developed life and work skills in a very practical way. They experienced sales skills, customer service, and handling money in a real life situation, adding up the totals and working out the correct change to be given back to the customer and all with a friendly smile on their face! 🙂

Mrs Stephen has been very proud of primary 5 and all of the hard work they have shown!

We want to say a massive thank you to all of the friends and family of P5 who came to our fundraising cafe and to all of the children and teachers in school who bought some of our homebakes. We hope you enjoyed eating them and thank you for supporting such a fantastic charity!

Keep your eyes peeled as we will reveal out total amount raised very soon… 🙂

November 16, 2018
by User deactivated
1 Comment

p3F Children in Need Day

We dressed down to raise money for children in need.

Using our knowledge of money we used coins in a real life context and bought a cake. Thank you to Mrs Stephen and P5 for baking such tasty treats for the  whole school.

November 16, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

P1A support Children in Need

Primary 1A are celebrating and supporting Children In Need today!

A big thank you to P5S for the amazing homebakes you sold to us this morning.  We all enjoyed a delicious Children in Need snack today!

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