Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

November 23, 2018
by User deactivated

Deeside Rugby Taster Session

Over the next four weeks we are very excited to have the benefit of rugby coaching from Kim of Deeside Rugby.  Today we learnt we need to run forward, throw the ball behind us and always be on the lookout for space. Putting our hands in a “W” shape will help us to catch the ball.

We listened really well, worked really hard and can’t wait till next weeks lesson.


November 23, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

Book Week in P1A

P1A have enjoyed participating in Book Week Scotland.  Our reading workshop was well attended this week, Book Week seemed like the perfect opportunity to share information about the reading journey that all our P1’s have begun!


After the workshop Mrs Beagrie introduced The P1 Book Bag and Read, Write, Count. We hope you enjoy reading the books with your family and talking to them about the books, there are lots of activities for you to complete together.  Don’t forget to vote for your favourite book in The Bookbug Picture Book Prize.

LOOK at everyone sharing their book bags with our visitors.  Have fun reading and sharing the books at home!

November 23, 2018
by Mrs Reid

Scottish book week

A great week of sharing stories and books in class, ended with our pupils being gifted a book bag with 3 exciting new books to take home. Parents were invited to come along to our reading workshop then take their child  to share their book bags.  Thank you to all who managed to attend this event.

November 22, 2018
by Miss Sutherland

Primary 3S – Children In Need!

We developed our literacy and numeracy skills last week through the context of Children In Need.

In literacy, we wrote character profiles for Pudsey Bear, read a story called Pudsey’s Fundraising Adventure, sequenced pictures and retold the story in our own words.

In numeracy, we helped Pudsey solve some word problems.  These were challenging but we helped each other and we all got there in the end!  We also enjoyed buying delicious home bakes from Mrs Stephen’s class.

We all enjoyed dressing up and we decorated our classroom with special Children In Need bunting.

We watched a video about Children In Need and we now understand more about the charity and how important it is.

We had lots of fun whilst raising money for a very worthy cause.


November 22, 2018
by Miss Sutherland

Primary 3S – Scottish Book Week

As part of ‘Scottish Book Week’ we were very lucky to be given book bags from the Scottish Book Trust.  The bags contained a picture atlas, a lovely story book, a notebook and pencil and some fun games.

We enjoyed inviting our parents into school to explore the book bags with us!

“I enjoyed my Mum playing games with me and Ethan.” Coen

I liked reading ‘There is no Dragon in this Story’ with Conall. We read two pages each to my Mum.” Oscar

“I liked looking at the Picture Atlas with my Mum and Euan.” Max “We found out where Europe was on the map.” Euan

“Me and Dad loved playing the card game.” Cody

“I liked playing the money card game with Mum.” Katie

“I enjoyed reading the dragon story with my Mum.” Sophie G

“I liked playing the dice game with my Mum.” Henry

“I liked playing money cards with my Mum.” Sophie MacL

“I liked the story cubes.” James

“I enjoyed reading another chapter of my Harry Potter book with my Mum and my little sister.” James

“I liked playing the games and the books.” Olivia

“I went to the library with my Mum, Daniel and my little sister. We played money bingo and we read a book.” Kai

“I enjoyed playing some games with my Mum.” Evie

“I liked reading the Picture Atlas.” Sophie Mack

November 22, 2018
by User deactivated

P3F Thank you parents – Scottish Book Week

Thank you to those parents who managed to attend our reading session. Also thank you to Miss Patterson who read to a small group.

I can select and read text which I enjoy and find interesting.

We also brought in one of our favourite books from home and shared it with our friends.

I can explain why I prefer certain texts and authors.

November 21, 2018
by Mrs Jen Stephen
1 Comment

Primary 5~ Chefs at Pizza Express

Primary 5 had the best time at Pizza Express this week, learning how to make our very own pizzas!

We learnt the different stages and techniques of making a pizza but the best bit was getting to take them back to school and eat them!!

November 21, 2018
by Mrs Peter

Fairy Project in Nursery

We have been very busy and creative turning this……

Into this…….

First we collected stones and pebbles…..


and pushed them into the special glue to form a path.

Next we listened to everyone’s ideas and added lots of decorations…

We thought a rope bridge would be fun for the fairies…..

Iona carefully placed the sticks in place and Murray finished off the top step.

We then constructed a toadstool for the finishing touch…

The children are having a lovely time playing with the fairy house, using their imagination and we will look to extend their learning by changing the themes according to their ideas.



November 21, 2018
by User deactivated

P7 Enterprise theme

P7 enjoyed a visit from local entrepreneur Tom Mottershead from ‘The Deesidedly Tasty Company’ He spoke to the children about the origins of his business and how he worked on his business plan.

Tom also introduced the children to the SWOT acronym….





Tom Mottershead came in to school today to teach the p7’s about his business, the Deesidley tasty company, for their business enterprise topic. He told them about marketing, selling, and how he started his business. P7 learned lots of useful tips that will help them with their topic!     Erin

I really liked his presentation because it really inspired me to do something like setting up my own business. I found it interesting how he moved from the police to do something way different!     Peter

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