Hill of Banchory

Working together to prepare today’s children for the challenges of tomorrow.

January 8, 2019
by Mrs Hislop

P4 – Designing a Theme Park

Today we had the opportunity to design our own theme park! We separated into groups with our business colleagues where we came up with a name and three themed areas for our parks.

We have a five-million-pound budget to spend on rides, amenities and attractions.

We spent time working out how to plan where our rides, amenities and attractions would go by working out the area of our land.

We then plotted this on a scaled map. We were given the challenge of including toilets, restaurants, bins and benches too!

December 21, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

Happy Christmas from P1A

P1A have been busy with some Christmas baking today.  We have made a herd of our very own red nosed reindeers!  Everyone listened well to the instructions and completed the creation of their reindeers independently.  Well done, P1A!













Wishing you all a very Merry and peaceful Christmas.

December 20, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

A Christmas Visit from our Reading Buddies

Our P6R Reading Buddies visited us this afternoon to share the poems they have been busy creating.  Inspired by the Kit Wright poem, ‘The Magic Box’, P6 put a Christmas twist on their own poems.  The P6 poems were titled ‘My Magic Christmas Box’, they used their senses to describe their boxes and their contents.  They have been working on similes and alliteration in class and this made their poems really interesting and enjoyable to listen to.  We loved  listening to the Christmas poems and we think we will try to create our own class poem next term.  Thank you for inspiring us P6!


December 19, 2018
by Miss Leicester

P2L Community Carol Singing

Today P2L visited Morrisons to share our festive cheer. We sang a number of Christmas classics for their customers.  Everyone really enjoyed their singing and the pupils did a fantastic job! Not only did they sing beautifully but they accompanied their lovely singing with Makaton actions! Well done P2L. A big thank you to Morrisons for having us and for rewarding the hard work of the pupils with a bag of chocolate coins each! Merry Christmas!


We Wish You a Merry Christmas

December 19, 2018
by Mrs Read

P7 Spreading Christmas Cheer in the Community

P7  sang beautifully today as they entertained the guests at Hanover Court. They sang several upbeat songs and shared some dance moves while also singing some slower, more nostalgic songs.  They were amazing. Charlotte, Keira, Peter, Carmen, Erin,  Jessica and Jago played several Christmas carols on their violins beautifully. Everyone made Mrs Curry and Mrs Read very proud.


December 18, 2018
by Mrs Peter

Christmas Party Time in Nursery.

Following on from another fantastic performance of the Littlest Christmas Tree for our Christmas show, the children definitely deserved a fun packed party to round off our celebrations.

We have some fabulous dancers and everyone enjoyed the musical statues. Next it was pass the parcel and we followed the rules and celebrated the winners in every game.

After all that activity we enjoyed our party snack and cracker pulling with our friends.

All that was left to enjoy was a visit from our favourite special visitor who managed to squeeze us into his busy schedule, thank you Santa.


Santa wanted to know all about our Christmas jumpers.

Then all the fun of finding out what Santa had so kindly given us.

Merry Christmas from everyone in Nursery.



December 18, 2018
by User deactivated

p1-3 Christmas Sing Song

Fantastic Festive Fun for all the Family at the P1-3 Christmas Sing Song. Christmas favourites included Away in a Manger with  Makaton signing, Christmas songs in French and musical instruments. Well done all the children and a very Merry Christmas. 


December 14, 2018
by Mrs Abernethy

Christmas & Christingles in P1A

It has been a very busy week in P1A.  We all enjoyed wearing our Christmas jumpers for our Christmas lunch on Wednesday.  The PTA kindly gifted us all Santa hats which we took home at the end of the day!

Each jumper was different and amazing!

We loved our hats!



We also learned about the Christian custom of making a Christingle at Christmas time.  Each group helped to make their Christingle and then talked about what each part of the Christingle represents.  We also did some super black pen drawings of the Christingles we had made.



The candle represents Jesus. Light of the World. Lana

The red ribbon shows Jesus loves everyone in the world. Frankie








The four cocktail sticks represent the four corners of the world or the four seasons. Hugh


Look at our drawings!

The fruit represents Jesus’ kindness to the world. Luke

We drew a picture of our Christingle. Megan


Ask us more about the Christingle we made and see if we can remember what each part represents.



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