Category: (4) Upper Stages

P6/7 – Black History


Primary 6/7 have been adjusting well to a change in class teacher in the middle of the term and Miss Riley has been so impressed with how hard they’re working! They have been learning about Black History with Miss Convery and drew portraits of famous figures in art. They were learning about slavery and the triangular trade and were able to ask relevant questions and have a class discussion about this.

P6/7 – Numeracy

In numeracy, Primary 6/7 were tackling long multiplication problems with Miss Clarke and have moved on to long division and 2D and 3D shape with Miss Riley and Mrs Casasola. We have experimented with 5 different strategies to solve division problems and have chosen our favourite to use going forward. We are then going to revise our four operations and make sure we are sound in our times’ table facts before moving on to units of measurement and angles next term.

P6/7 – Literacy

In literacy, the children have been reading poetry and writing their own inspired by figures from their Black History topic. We are now writing a Christmas themed play and are working on ‘upskilling’ our sentences using VCOP. Next term, we are going to be working on our debating skills and writing persuasive pieces alongside this. We also hope to read a whole class novel.