Category: (3) Middle Stages

Primary 4/5 – Welcome Back

Welcome back to Term 4!  We have wasted no time getting back into our classroom routines.  In literacy we have just finished a series of weekly debates around topical issues chosen by the children.  The children have split into two teams and argued for an against the subject.  I have been very impressed with the levels of maturity and respect that the children have shown when discussing different points of view.  The children have also followed up this activity with a short essay giving the pros and cons of the argument.

We also continue to read our class novel, ‘The Elsewhere Emporium’

In maths we are revising fractions.  Last week we looked at how to simplify fractions and this week we are looking at equivalent fractions.  We will be moving on to adding fractions before looking and decimals and percentages. The children have played equivalent fraction snap, used worksheets and watched a video on equivalent fractions.  The weather has unfortunately been too changeable this week for outside fractions activities.

The children have made some brilliant posters with Mrs. Smith showing their understanding of adjectives which are now up on our display boards.

Homework is posted at 3:30pm on google classroom for your children to complete.  As ever, if you have any queries or concerns please do get in touch.

April 2021 – P3/4

For our writing task this week, we challenged ourselves to up-level our weekend news that we wrote on Monday morning. The children self-assessed their piece of writing and decided how they were going to make it even better. P3 worked hard on this task, and each child produced a great piece of writing!

Last week we linked our writing lesson to our topic on Water. We learned about the Water Cycle, and then we wrote about the cycle from the perspective of a water particle going through the process. We then used our writing to produce some wonderful Water Cycle posters!

We have been learning about Common and Proper Nouns. We have been trying hard to include capital letters in the correct places, as well as forming our letters correctly.

Since returning after the Easter holidays, our focus in maths has been Measurement. We have explored measuring in metres and centimetres, choosing the most appropriate unit of measurement based on the size of an object. We always estimate before measuring an object, and as the children are becoming more confident, their estimates are getting closer to the actual length of the items! We learned about capacity and had lots of fun experimenting with water, rainbow rice and cubes.

We are currently learning about weight, where we will be using the kilogram and ½ kilogram next week. With Miss Davie, the children have started to focus on problem solving skills.

Last week in Health and Wellbeing we were describing and recording strategies for getting on with others in the classroom. The children had some great discussion about what we (both children and adults) need to do our best in school.

This week we have discussed money and responsibility. The children have created lots of interesting discussion around wants and needs, as well as spending and saving money.

In PE at the moment, we are focusing on Hockey skills. This has been a hit so far!

We started our new topic on Water since returning to school after the holidays. So far, we have learned about the Water Cycle. We did a science experiment to see the Water Cycle being re-created in a plastic bag stuck to the window! This proved to be successful and the children identified the different parts of the Water Cycle in the bag. We are learning about solids, liquids and gases, and have carried out another experiment exploring melting ice and insulators.

1st April – Primary 4/5

This week, the children have been working hard on multiplication and division and improving our skills in maths word problems.  We have also been working on 1 and 2 digit multiplication sums.

In literacy this week we had a class debate on whether children should wear school uniforms.  This topic was chosen by the children and they conducted themselves very well and had a well-reasoned debate.  The children also watched a video clip from CBBC Newsround on the opinions and ideas other children had on school uniform.  The children then wrote an essay on what they considered were the pro’s and cons of school uniform.

We have finished off our WW2 project this week with colourful posters telling evacuees to stay safe in the country.  The children thought about the different ways in which they could convey this message when they created the posters.


Term 4

Term 4 will begin with consolidation of multiplication and division in maths.  The children will be learning about different techniques for multiplying and dividing.  With the better weather, I hope to be doing more outdoor learning to extend understanding.  We will continue with daily practice of times tables so that the children maintain their fluency.

In literacy, we will continue with our class novel, ‘The Elsewhere Emporium’. We will use the novel to read for enjoyment and for listening skills.

Our class project at the beginning of next term will be ‘Dissolving Solids’, and I’m looking forward to doing some experiments with the children!

P3/4 – 1st April

The children have worked incredibly hard since returning to school 6 weeks ago, and I am so pleased with the way they settled back into school and learning.

Literacy – Last week the children finished their diary entries for the Young Writer’s Competition. They are all so proud of their work! To conclude our topic on Habitats, this week we wrote a Habitat Fact File on our favourite habitat we learned about over the last 6 weeks.

We consolidated our knowledge of our spelling sounds we have covered since we returned to school. The children practised their words in lots of active ways at different spelling stations. The children said they enjoyed revisiting previous sounds as it helped to refresh their understanding!

Next term, we will learn in more depth about persuasive writing and poetry.

Maths – Last week we finished our topic on Division. We worked hard to apply their knowledge of division to various problem-solving activities. The children worked well to support one another.

This week we learned about Ancient Roman and Egyptian Numerals – the children have loved it and said it felt like they were learning a special secret code! It was great to see some of the children linking their new learning to a real-world context, remembering where they have seen Roman Numerals used before (on clocks, sundials etc).

Next term we will learn about measure, weight and capacity, as well as fractions. With Miss Davie, the children will work on their problem-solving skills in maths.

Health and Wellbeing – We continued with our focus on Safety in Health and Wellbeing. We discussed Safe and Unsafe places. We also revisited our ‘Learning Line’ display which we learned about prior to lockdown. The children created a ‘mini-me’ figure to be displayed on the Learning Line, and as we go forward into next term, we will use these to show our progress along the Learning Line when learning new concepts. This will encourage the children to reflect on their own learning and next steps.

IDL – Since returning to school, the children have loved our Habitats topic! We have explored Woodland, Ocean, Rainforest and Artic habitats. Last week, we had a whole day themed on The Arctic. We started the day by going through Security to travel by plane! We learned about Air Resistance, Artic Animals, and how people live in the Arctic. The children showed so much excitement and enthusiasm! This week, the children chose their favourite habitat and created a habitat in a shoe box – they are very effective!


P4/5 – March 2021

It has been wonderful to welcome our P4/5 children back to school.  The children have been very excited to be back at school.  We have had a lot of class discussions on the good and bad points of lockdown and returning to school and the clear winner was being back at school!

Maths:  This week we have returned to addition and subtraction in maths to ensure the children have a sound understanding.  We will continue with addition and subtraction until the end of this term.

Literacy:  We continue to read the class novel, “The Elsewhere Emporium”.  We will be writing some creative stories based on this novel next week.

We have also had a look at debates around topical issues.  This week the children voted to discuss racism and wrote an essay to explain what they understood racism to be.

Science:  We continue with our Friday science afternoon and today the children were looking at the effect of gravity on an egg.  The children designed a protective cocoon for the egg and they were dropped from a height of around 6 feet onto the playground.  Two out of 6 egg survived, well done to all the groups, there were lots of great ideas!


Egg being dropped from a height of around 6 feet.

This egg survived!

As ever, if you wish to discuss your child, please don’t hesitate to contact me at


P3/4 – March 2021

In Literacy, we have been focusing on writing a diary entry for a Young Writers competition the children are excited to enter. We have explored lots of different ideas and have been working very hard to plan and write an amazing diary entry. The children’s imaginations have run wild and they have been very creative! We have worked hard to up-level our sentences to include adjectives to make our writing interesting to the reader.

We continue to learn a new spelling rule each week and practise this through our spelling homework and active spelling activities in class.

The children’s fluency in reading has continued to improve. We have been working on our comprehension skills to dig deeper on our understanding of what we have read. You can continue to use the comprehension cards at home to support this.


Over the last 2 weeks in Maths, we finished our topic on Multiplication and moved onto Division. So far, we have learned about dividing by 2, 3, 5 and 10. We have used cubes and Numicon to support our learning. With Miss Davie, the children have been learning about Information Handling, looking at different charts and graphs.

In Health and Wellbeing, we are focussing on Safety. We have discussed safety around medicines and made posters to show what we learned about safe medicine use. We have considered different scenarios, and how safe or unsafe they would make us feel. We continue to engage in daily mindfulness activities.

The children are loving our Habitats topic! We have explored Woodland, Ocean and Rainforest habitats to far. We went for a walk in the local woods to spot some plants and animals we learned about in the classroom. We used the iPads to research different Ocean Animals. We used the ‘Jigsaw Learning’ method to learn about Rainforests – each group were given a different aspect of the Rainforest to research and create a poster on. The children then became the teacher and taught their peers about what they learned. Each group gave feedback to one another – this was a big hit!


P4/5 Update

Maths – We have moved on in maths from addition and subtraction to multiplication and division.  We continue with our daily times table practice to ensure fluency and accuracy.  A good knowledge and understanding of times tables will really help support the children with the multiplication and division lessons.

Arrays:  We have been looking at different ways to represent times tables including arrays which show how to group numbers together is a very visual way.

Below is an array depicting the sum 4 x 6 = 24 and 6 x 4 = 24.  Making these visual connections helps to understand that it doesn’t matter which way round the sum is, you still get the same answer.


We have recently finished our exciting class novel, ‘The Nowhere Emporium’.  The children have completed a lot of their creative writing based around the novel and have produced some amazing stories.  We have also started the sequel to ‘The Nowhere Emporium’, called ‘The Elsewhere Emporium’.  Our main characters are on a new adventure and I am excited to find out where it leads us!  The children recently wrote a story based around the novel where they found themselves in a carnival and had to describe what kind of magical event would take place when they entered one of the tents.

Here is an example of one of the stories, well done to the writer who followed our class criteria for writing which is linked to the curriculum for excellence expectations and outcomes.

Example of our ‘Elsewhere Emporium’ stories.

Return to school.

I am very much looking forward to returning to school on the 15th of March and I hope that your child(ren) is too. If you have any concerns about your child and their return to school please do send me an email and I will be glad to help.

Best Regards

Mrs. Baddeley


P4/5 Online Learning Update


We continue to consolidate our work from term 1 in addition and subtraction.  The children are working very well and considering how to carry-over / use number exchanges when the value in a column adds to more than 10.  We are looking at representing values pictorially to help visualise the numbers in addition and subtraction sums.

For example:

The chimney sum is written at the bottom of the page and the visual representation of these values are written in pictorial form above. This method can support children in ‘seeing’ the values or numbers that they are working with.

Carrying over or number exchange is when the number is each column adds to more than 10 and 1 unit or a ‘one’ needs to be added to the next column.



All the children have received reading books to read at home and have been invited to join a weekly reading meeting on Teams.  We have also just finished reading our class novel, ‘The Nowhere Emporium’.  We will start our new class novel which is the sequel to the Nowhere Emporium, The Elsewhere Emporium on the week beginning Monday 8th February.

We will be focusing in on our creative writing skills in February with weekly writing tasks aimed at building confidence in writing.  We will build on the class criteria for writing skills which include:

Layout – Date and title.

Grammar – Punctuation, Use of quotation marks as appropriate, capital letters and full stops.

Expanding vocabulary – Using wow words appropriately.

Awareness of writing – To be able to re-read or redraft work, looking for and fixing mistakes.

There have been fantastic examples of creative writing handed in so far, I have been very impressed with the standard of work and incredible imagination of the children!  Keep up the good work.

P3/4 Online Learning Update

Thank you for all the hard work you have been doing at home. I am so impressed by the amazing effort made by all during home learning. Seeing the children’s work and pictures of the activities they have been doing has been fantastic.

This week we will begin offering live sessions for the children to take part in. These sessions will have a different focus each day. In P3/4, Monday and Friday’s session will focus on Health and Wellbeing. On Tuesday there will be a maths drop-in session, and on Wednesday a Literacy drop-in. On Thursday, we will have a playtime chat on Google Classroom. Please make use of these sessions if you require any support or have questions about any of the work provided.

In literacy, our focus on Scots Language in going well. This week the children have listened to The Gruffalo in Scots – I hope they enjoyed the story. The children have created Gruffalo flashcards in Scots to describe the Gruffalo’s features. These are being used to help us write a detailed character description of the Gruffalo using lots of adjectives and Scots words. We will complete a comprehension task based on The Gruffalo in Scots later in the week.


This week we have continued with our Multiplication topic in maths. The children did a fantastic job of learning the 2 and 10 times table, and this week we are starting to learn the 5 times table! To help the children with this, I have provided some dice dot patterns in the learning packs. This allows the children to see the groups of 5 as they count forwards. This should help the children visualise the abstract concept of times tables! You can see how I use these in my video on Google Classroom.

Other curricular areas: I have uploaded a new learning grid to Google Classroom. Here you will see a wide range of activities for your child to choose from – including baking, music lessons, and creating a golf course in the garden! I hope you have fun with these, and don’t forget to send Miss Robbie pictures of the activities you have been doing!

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need anything at all.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Robbie

Primary 3/4 – Online Learning Update

I hope you are all doing well as we begin home learning again.  As you know, packs were provided with work for 2 weeks. This included textbooks, jotters and reading books. I hope you are finding these useful and makes preparing for learning at home a bit easier for you.

Literacy: During home learning, we will continue learning a new spelling rule on Mondays. The children will be sent video links of our sound and will complete different spelling activities each week.

At the start of this new term, we will be focussing on Scots Language in our writing and comprehension tasks. We will be using The Gruffalo in Scots as a stimulus for our writing. We will learn about Robert Burns through our comprehension lesson. The children have been sent some Scottish poems and songs to learn as part of our focus on Burns and Scots Language.

Maths: We are beginning the term by starting our Multiplication topic in maths. The children will focus on learning the 2, 5 and 10-times table initially. So far, we have learned to use arrays to help us with multiplication. This gives children a meaningful way of visualising times tables, which can be an abstract concept to understand.


We will use video clips filmed by Miss Robbie, as well as clips from BBC Bitesize to help us with multiplication. In your learning packs you were provided with counters, ten rods, dice patterns and 100 squares to aid learning in maths.

Other curricular areas: A new curricular grid will be posted on Google Classroom every 2 weeks. This grid consists of plenty of activities covering Health and Wellbeing, Science, Art, Music, Drama and French. I love seeing pictures of the children completing grid activities, so please email these to me at:

New packs will be ready for collection on Friday 22nd January. This will include work for weeks 3 and 4 of home learning. Please return all reading books children were provided with in their first pack. A box will be provided for this. Please return these in a poly-pocket or envelope with your child’s name on – this is for us to keep track of books returned.

You may wish to return worksheets the children have completed during weeks 1 and 2.

As always, if you require support or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me via email or Google Classroom. Take care and stay safe.