P4-5 Blog Update – March


The class are finishing up with decimals and percentages and have moved on from money to time with Miss Davie.
We were learning to round decimals to the nearest tenth and some to the nearest hundredth. We are learning to calculate percentages of amounts of money. Underpinning all of this was place value skills so we have been working on these for our Soft Start in the morning and during maths lessons.


The children have been learning to use figurative language in their writing with Miss Davie. They have been watching ‘Planet Unknown’ and writing a Captain’s Log using these skills such as alliteration, personification, and onomatopoeia. We are still reading our class novel, ‘Cosmic’.

With Miss Riley, the class are learning comprehension skills. We are learning how to infer or read between the lines. We watched a short silent Pixar clip called ‘The Birds’ and used this to make some educated guesses about what kind of dialogue would be used in the clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYTrIcn4rjg


Health & Wellbeing

We have been learning about what skills and abilities we have, are proud of and would need to do jobs when we are older. We have been talking about internal and external motivators, how to motivate ourselves to reach our goals and why taking little steps is important. In PE, we have been learning lots of different gymnastics skills. We have been working on our jumps and leaps, handstands, cartwheels, round-offs, vaulting and rolling. We are currently choreographing our own routines of at least 5 movements linked smoothly together. We listening to music while we did our routines last week and all the children said they experienced their mood lifted, increased focus and said they felt motivated by it!



We did a ‘planet fact’ hunt around the school in which we found out facts about the planets and compared them in properties such as atmosphere, size, number of moons etc. We are using this information to create a papier mache solar system in class. Once these are strong enough, we will paint them and hang them in the classroom!



The children are learning how to say and write what their favourite school subjects are. Next week, we will try to add opinion to these sentences and say why we like / dislike something.


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