Primary 4-5 have finished their final persuasive pieces of writing and we worked on a ‘final draft’ for these. They wrote a first draft which they checked against our steps to success and then edited it until they were happy that it was their best version!
The class are now learning about the features of a newspaper article and familiarising themselves by reading these before creating their own.
Modern Languages
P4-5 have been busy with both Spanish with Miss Davie and French with Miss Riley. In French, we are learning to give our opinion on different foods by saying ‘I like/dislike…because…’
In Spanish, the class have been creating amazing comic strips while learning about Spanish greetings and asking ‘how are you?’
The class have been working on Addition/Subtraction and have now moved on to multiplication and this will be followed closely by division. P4-5 practice their times tables every week for our ‘morning challenge’ (forwards, backwards and jumbled up) and this has had such a positive impact on their solving of multiplication problems as we got off to a flying start!
We are trying to find rules for our tables to make remembering them and using them easier for us.
The children really enjoyed our Scottish Geography and Landscape topic and finished off by making PowerPoint presentations after doing research about flooding in Scotland.
This term, our topic is inheritance so the children may come home asking questions about why they have blonde hair or are left-handed!
Health and Wellbeing
The class participated in a BBC live lesson for anti-bullying week and we identified the 6 roles that can be adopted in a bullying situation and what we can do to help – or ensure we don’t take on one of these roles without even realising we have!
In PE this term, the class are doing a block of fitness and we have been doing circuits. The children are working for one minute with a 45 second rest and trying to perfect their form or increase their reps each time. We are tracking our progress each lesson and the children love seeing their improvements each week!
Thanks so much to everyone who came to meet me last term for parents’ meetings. As always, if you need me, I’m always just an email away and you can get me on