P4/5 Update

The weather has finally started to improve and we have been able to get outside to practice for our sports day event.  The children have been working very hard and voted as a class to have the theme of ‘historical characters’ for their sports day event.  We have also been making crowns and helmets in class to represent some of these times.

This is our final week of fractions, decimals and percentages in maths.  We have been looking at equivalents between fractions, decimals and percentages and playing equivalent bingo to consolidate the learning!




In literacy, we have been finishing our work on note taking and we will be moving on to poetry writing next week.

Last week we introduced a worry box in the class.  The children are able to put in either an anonymous note and we talk about it as a class or a private note and I will talk to that child individually.  The children like to discuss their worry’s and have been supportive of each other.

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