P3-4 Update

In Literacy, we have been working hard to write our persuasive letters on plastic pollution. We will type our letters for display. The children have been learning about past and present tense in Grammar, as well as revisiting using Speech Marks appropriately.

Next week in Literacy, we will be learning about different types of poetry.

In Maths, we have completed our topic on Fractions. The children enjoyed learning about halves, quarters, thirds, and tenths. We are now going to revisit our Time topic in maths for consolidation. We will learn about 12/24-hour time. We will be doing lots of practical activities to embed our learning.

We have been focusing on hygiene in Health and Wellbeing over the last 2 weeks. The children created posters showing how to wash our hands correctly. We also talked about dental hygiene, and we had lots of great discussion about how to keep our teeth and mouths healthy. In PE, the children have been working very hard with Miss Davie to create an obstacle course to showcase to you all on the day of our Sports Challenge.

For our topic, we did a science experiment to explore sinking and floating. The children enjoyed finding objects, predicting whether they would float or sink, then testing this out in water! We also created some wonderful iceberg themed artwork – we focussed on using the best materials to make the water as life-like as possible. Next week we will move on to our new topic.



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