P6/7 May 2021

Numeracy – The children have been learning to solve algebraic equations in class. They are practicing using one and two step function machines and using these skills to solve basic equations. Some of the children are multiplying out brackets in equations and simplifying them by collecting like terms.

Other curricular areas –  We have started our current affairs topic and are learning about devolved powers within the Scottish Parliament. We spoke about the recent election and will be learning about the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The children will also have a go at writing their own manifestos and forming political parties.

PE – The children are learning and choreographing a dance routine in partnership with me! I am so impressed with how hard they have worked on this and the effort and enthusiasm they have shown has been absolutely amazing. Hopefully we can showcase it in some format (virtually or otherwise) before the end of term.

Virtual Learning – Primary 6/7 have been fortunate enough to take part in a variety of virtual learning this term so far. Last week was TechFest where we learned about Marine Plastics with a session from Ocean Activist Emily Penn in partnership with Macduff Aquarium. We also joined a presentation from Dynamic Earth who taught us about our carbon footprint. You can calculate yours at https://footprint.wwf.org.uk/#/

If you need anything at all, you can contact me on jodi.riley@aberdeenshire.gov.uk or you can still contact me via Google Classroom.

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