P1/2 May 2021

In our topic we learned about what plants need to grow and went outside to make some “magic” potions. We worked with a partner. P1 then used this for their sentence building and P2 – for learning how to write a recipe.

P1 have been learning to subtract by using a number line and their fingers. We were writing our own take away stories and working on alternative subtraction language. In money we are looking at 1p/2p and £1/£2 more.

P2 have been looking at how division links with multiplication and some were working on division problems with remainders using their knowledge of times tables. We were also using the 20p coin.

In RME we were discussing our responsibility for looking after the Earth and how this is taught in different religions. It was good to hear from a child who recently joined us that Fettercairn has a very tidy playground! Other children were able to talk about taking their litter home and recycling.

In art we were looking at Renoir’s Les Parapluies and we painted our own versions!

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