Welcome back to Term 4! We have wasted no time getting back into our classroom routines. In literacy we have just finished a series of weekly debates around topical issues chosen by the children. The children have split into two teams and argued for an against the subject. I have been very impressed with the levels of maturity and respect that the children have shown when discussing different points of view. The children have also followed up this activity with a short essay giving the pros and cons of the argument.
We also continue to read our class novel, ‘The Elsewhere Emporium’
In maths we are revising fractions. Last week we looked at how to simplify fractions and this week we are looking at equivalent fractions. We will be moving on to adding fractions before looking and decimals and percentages. The children have played equivalent fraction snap, used worksheets and watched a video on equivalent fractions. The weather has unfortunately been too changeable this week for outside fractions activities.
The children have made some brilliant posters with Mrs. Smith showing their understanding of adjectives which are now up on our display boards.
Homework is posted at 3:30pm on google classroom for your children to complete. As ever, if you have any queries or concerns please do get in touch.