P3/4 Online Learning Update

Thank you for all the hard work you have been doing at home. I am so impressed by the amazing effort made by all during home learning. Seeing the children’s work and pictures of the activities they have been doing has been fantastic.

This week we will begin offering live sessions for the children to take part in. These sessions will have a different focus each day. In P3/4, Monday and Friday’s session will focus on Health and Wellbeing. On Tuesday there will be a maths drop-in session, and on Wednesday a Literacy drop-in. On Thursday, we will have a playtime chat on Google Classroom. Please make use of these sessions if you require any support or have questions about any of the work provided.

In literacy, our focus on Scots Language in going well. This week the children have listened to The Gruffalo in Scots – I hope they enjoyed the story. The children have created Gruffalo flashcards in Scots to describe the Gruffalo’s features. These are being used to help us write a detailed character description of the Gruffalo using lots of adjectives and Scots words. We will complete a comprehension task based on The Gruffalo in Scots later in the week.


This week we have continued with our Multiplication topic in maths. The children did a fantastic job of learning the 2 and 10 times table, and this week we are starting to learn the 5 times table! To help the children with this, I have provided some dice dot patterns in the learning packs. This allows the children to see the groups of 5 as they count forwards. This should help the children visualise the abstract concept of times tables! You can see how I use these in my video on Google Classroom.

Other curricular areas: I have uploaded a new learning grid to Google Classroom. Here you will see a wide range of activities for your child to choose from – including baking, music lessons, and creating a golf course in the garden! I hope you have fun with these, and don’t forget to send Miss Robbie pictures of the activities you have been doing!

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you need anything at all.

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Robbie

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