Starter pack of resources

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Library resources has translated information on a variety of subject – click on the kids section and search for a topic. You can then select to read in a different language – this uses electronic translation. It will not be perfect but a useful resource for supporting learning in the first language. has lots of ebooks (in many languages) available to read – you need a library card to access this.

Translated Book Detectives

These are translated tasks to support reading comprehension. If children are literate in first language they could read them to support their understanding of tasks. 

Tip: To help learners understand the purpose for reading, set questions before reading the text to prevent decoding skills being solely used. Introduce question words gradually – Who? What? When? Where? Why? (Use Question Master – book detectives).

Multicultural Schools – Ideas for the Classroom – Primary – Practical Advice

January 5, 2022

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Resources to support learning at home

March 19, 2020

These resources are for families to use at home. One file is for nursery/primary age, with some links relevant for babies/toddlers. Another is for secondary age. The third came from Peterhead ASL team who were happy for it to be shared. These resources will be helpful for bilingual families, but… Read more

November 14, 2018 Supporting Bilingual Children  by: Irene Fafalios This is an excerpt from a lecture given by Irene Fafalios at the Montessori Society AGM in London What do we mean by bilingualism? Simply defined a bilingual person would be one who has the ability to speak two languages. I could further… Read more

A Bilingual Brain Solves Problems Faster

September 24, 2018 Check inside the link for video. Language allows us to share thoughts and feelings with somebody else. It’s our cultural glue. Otherwise, we’d live in a world of babel. But there’s much more to language, including elements that affect the structure and functioning of the brain. While the first words spoken… Read more

Spanish links

July 5, 2018

Bilingual activities and links: (soap opera in Spanish) to create Semantic fields and Mind maps.     Useful expression for teachers: Tidy up time/time to tidy up  vamos a ordenar la clase. Listening time/time to listen tiempo para escuchar Snack… Read more

Website with interesting glossaries

July 5, 2018 Resources Instructional Materials and Glossaries INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS These instructional materials are to help teachers who are working with ELLs.  They are only for instructions, not for ELL accommodation. Literary Terms & Devices for Language Arts – Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), French, German, Haitian, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Karen, Khmer, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese Key Terms Used to Describe Practices Related to the Education of ELLs… Read more

Why it’s okay for bilingual children to mix languages

July 4, 2018 by Chisato Danjo Lecturer in Japanese and Linguistics, York St John University Few would consider mastering more than one language a bad idea. In fact, research points to a number of cognitive, economic and academic advantages in being bilingual. Parents who speak different languages understand the family home is an important setting… Read more