P5-7 Braemar School

Braemar School works together to provide an ethos where everyone feels happy, safe, supported and challenged to be the best they can be.

June 7, 2019
by Christian Charles

Community Garden

We went to the community garden on the 3rd of June on Monday and Dave helped us with the weeding the raised beds we did it to help the community and grow vegetables like radishes, coriander and rocket.When the radishes are ready we will eat them.   

June 7, 2019
by Ajay


We were growing radishes and we are watering them. It will grow and we were putting the green grass and the rocks and we were digging potatoes and we putting all the grass when it was full . When we were full of rock we chucked them in a bush. Check the Braemar school Twitter. Dave helped us and we weeded the garden. We planted rocket and coriander and then we put soil and then we watered it and then we walked back to school.





June 7, 2019
by Olivia Lucy

Going to the Science Centre

On Tuesday the 4th of June Braemar School went to the Science Centre in Aberdeen to learn about science and enjoying yourself at the same time.We were very excited on our way there because last time it was very exciting.
The primary 4-7’s got a presentation about medieval tools to move, lift and build with rocks.We also got to play with science toys.Some of the toys were really interesting like the bubbles.There was bubble liquid and a stick when you wound the handle you lifted up the stick you made a bubble. Another thing we did was giving a set of instructions to tell a jam sandwich making robot what to do but nobody did their instructions really accurately so the robot didn’t make a jam sandwich properly.
I really enjoyed the visit. All the things I found out about were really interesting and I learnt a lot.

June 7, 2019
by Craig Stewart

P7 Transition

All of the P7 went on the bus to acadamy once we got there we had to go to the theatre and I had my sister to take me to the theatre. when we all where in the theatre we Mr Drennan talked through our day and then we got started. We went to finish our board games,in the middle of our game board task we got given our Young Scot card and we got shown how to put money on our cards. Then we went back to our game task and the judges and we had to tell them about our board game then we had lunch. While we were having lunch the judges decided who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd you can see the results on the school Twitter. In the afternoon we were doing team building. We played some games and we were asked if we had any questions about academy. Then we got on the bus and went back home.

by Craig

June 7, 2019
by Jay

Crathie School visit

On Thursday the 8th of June Crathie School came to Braemar School for sports day but sadly it was cancelled but we play indoor potted sports and we also did a sports quiz.

At the start of the day we had to stack the chairs and tables. The games we played was hoopla , hurdles , hockey dribble , basketball , egg and spoon and been bag throw. The winning team was red group 3 with 163 point.

Music festival

June 7, 2019 by Diamond Lou | 0 comments

We went to the music festival in Aberdeen. We got break in the music festival and we when in and went straight up on stage. When we went on we where scared and nervous. Why? Because we never got to see any on else’s so we didn’t know what to expect.Then we went back to our seats and  the school who won was Fernielea school. We don’t know what we came in the competition. After she said who came first we went on the bus to go to the science centre it was really fun day.


This gallery contains 1 photo.

June 7, 2019
by Joshua Irvine

Room 2 update

In room 2 they have some caterpillars. They got them on the 3rd of June. The reason is their project was about bugs and their teacher Mrs Nixon chose that project.

June 7, 2019
by Ni Luh Abigail Elizabeth

Nursery update

The nursery have been going to the woods every Wednesday.They are making artwork out of leaves.They are making candy jars and planting plants to sell in the summer fair.They go to the nursery garden every day.

 By Abigail

June 7, 2019
by User deactivated

Summer fair

We are organising games for the summer fair next Saturday the games are lucky dip,
Guess the teddy’s birthday and you can win the teddy  ,Beat the goalie to win sweets ,Can knock and win a prize Guess how many sweets in a jar if you win you get the jar of sweets .Tea  and coffee. Mrs  Mackay has organised a chocolate fountain fruits and marshmallows the Parent  Council is doing this to raise money for the school hope to see you there .By Fern

May 25, 2019
by Mrs Maclean

Sumdog Contest.

Rm 3  are currently taking part in a National Sumdog Contest, where schools can compete against each other. We are currently in 26th position ( out of 177 schools taking part so far) and we have a pupil in the top 10 with 924 correct answers! Well done Maddalena!

***Sunday afternoon update*** Up to 17th overall just now, Abigail and Josh B have answered lots of questions correctly today!


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