P5-7 Braemar School

Braemar School works together to provide an ethos where everyone feels happy, safe, supported and challenged to be the best they can be.

October 4, 2019
by User deactivated

Braemar School Open Morning

On Thursday the 3rd of October at Braemar school  we  had a open morning.We opened the doors at 9 . 15 am .We showed the visitors what we have been learning about.  The staff and pupils organised the open morning.Room 3  made some muffins and the parents and visitors ate them and then they went home. 

Some of the parents said that it was really nice that  the children got to tour the parents through the school. 





October 4, 2019
by Kaitlin Jean

CCOW Visit

On Tuesday the 1st of October in the afternoon the CCOW came to just outside the school grounds. CCOW stands for countryside classroom of wheels. They came so that Rm 3 could learn more about Farm To Fork. The CCOW staff brought 2 sheep and a little calf.

There were only 16 pupils allowed to go on at once so we split the classroom in half. First the girls went then the boys went and finally Rm 2 went.

They started talking about types of cows and what they give us. They showed us a picture of a dairy cow which is what the calf is and a beef cow. They talked about what we can make with what the cows gave us. They then talked about the sheep and what we can do with the different types of wool. How some wool is softer and can be used for hats, coats, gloves e.c.t. Different wool can be used for other things. After that they showed us different crops. We were asked what they were. Again we were  told what we can make with them. There was wheat, barley and oats. Then we got to pet the animals! They were very friendly and were happy to be petted. The sheep’s wool was deep and soft. Some people got to feed the sheep. Then we were told that we could put our fingers in the calf’s mouth. It didn’t have any teeth yet. The calf sucked on our fingers. Overall it was fun.   By Kaitlin

September 20, 2019
by Diamond Lou


Last Friday the nursery came with stilts. They made them out of logs pretty impressive for nursery kids. They have a hole for the rope to come through. The rope is there so they can hold on and they are good at walking with them they fall off a couple of times but that does not matter.

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September 20, 2019
by Kaitlin Jean

Our learning

P4-7 are learning about farm to fork.We did an experiment with celery and food coloring. It didn’t go that well but the food coloring was out of date. We are going to try again soon.  We are learning about why we need food and how plants grow. We also learnt about food labels and what needs to be on food packaging. We have learnt a lot about farm to fork.

September 20, 2019
by Joshua Irvine

Maths- data handling

In maths we are data handling. We have been collecting information and putting it into graphs. We did a tally chart on which food from the community garden was the p1-3 ,p 4-7 and the whole school favourite. There was spinach , kale , apple , carrots , parsley , coriander , parsnips , strawberry , potatoes , chives , cauliflower , onions , broccoli , fennel , brussel sprouts , beetroot , lettuce , rocket , cabbage , turnips and leeks. Then we did a bar graph on the whole school. We did a hand up survey on how everyone gets to school and we explained it in a bar graph.The options were walk , cycle , scooter/skate , park & stride , driven , bus , taxi and other. We also have learned about pictographs , line graphs and pie charts.By Josh B and Olivia

September 20, 2019
by Ajay

PE with Mrs Munro and Mrs Wood

We were playing basket ball in teams of 4 and we were in 4 groups. It was fun and the green team won.   And a couple of weeks ago we were practising rugby skills. There was stations like throwing balls, catching balls and getting the ball and placing the ball down.

And we think rugby is fun. By MAYA and AJAY.

September 20, 2019
by Julia Zuzanna


In Braemar school we are learning Scottish dancing and line dancing with Mrs Baker. We go in the hall to learn all types of dances like the Fuzzy duck slide and The Hawaiian dance and American dances and we do the floss and the rainbow floss by learning the steps each week on Thursday.  For warm ups we do little dances to get ready for a big dance.First we listen to the music and then we dance with it.   Our  other club is TENNIS!  We learn to  hit a ball with our rackets and we get better every week and might get to go to festival. We vote who is the 3 best players and at the end the  3 best get a trophy or a medal. 



September 20, 2019
by Mrs Maclean

Art Masterclass

This week we were using leaves to create wax resist artwork. We rubbed crayon over the leaf and then over-painted with water colour paints.



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