Braemar School and Nursery

Braemar School and Nursery, working together to provide an ethos where everyone feels happy, safe, supported and challenged to be the best they can be.

Developing Meta Skills in P5-7


Here is an overview of the skills the children are developing across the curriculum and in the wider life of the school. They are becoming experts at identifying the skills, both in their learning and in their lives outside of school. Ask them which skills they think they are developing. Click on each skill to find out more.

More information about developing meta-skills in P1-7

Click on a skill to find out more.

More information about developing meta-skills in P1-7
Focusing Integrity Adapting Initiative Communicating Feeling Collaborating Leading Curiosity Sense making Creativity Critical thinking


The ability to filter and sort information, to maintain attention on a specific topic or idea, to see what's essential and what can be discarded and to suggest changes to the environment which might support focus.


  • Being respectful of others and accepting of others' ideas and values,
  • exercising control over our own impulses and emotions and
  • being fair and honest.


  • being open to new ideas
  • identifying problems and finding solutions
  • responding positively to constructive feedback
  • being a resilient learner and having the ability to be flexible
  • learning to compromise and manage disagreements


  • making decisions and thinking independently
  • choosing the most appropriate method  for a task
  • setting goals and meeting deadlines
  • taking responsibility for their own learning
  • self evaluating progress
  • challenging themselves
  • being self motivated


  • Sharing and receiving information,
  • listening carefully and asking interesting questions,
  • adapting language and behaviour to suit different situations,
  • communicating confidently both verbally and digitally.


  • Recognising and respecting other people’s feelings and emotions,
  • showing kindness and empathy,
  • being aware of the impact of their actions on others,
  • having a sense of responsibility and concern for wider society


  • Working with a group and taking on different roles,
  • learning to understand and respond to feedback from others,
  • willing to help others in the team,
  • being sensitive to others’ feelings and willing to challenge poor behaviour if necessary.


  • Helping to lead a group to tackle a problem or reach a goal,
  • supporting others to participate,
  • learning from and building on other people’s ideas and suggestions during group work.


  • Being curious about the unfamiliar and unexpected,
  • posing questions to develop their understanding,
    constructively challenge ideas that are presented,
  • use a range of sources of information to form and justify opinions,
  • show an understanding of the reliability of sources of information

Sense making

  • Identifying problems and researching different ways of solving them,
  • asking and answering questions about the world we live in,
  • grouping,classifying and comparing information,
  •  examining options and giving their opinions


  • Creating and designing solutions to a problem both independently and with others,
  • understanding that mistakes can help us to learn and lead to solutions,
  • learning from and building on other people’s ideas and experiences.

Critical thinking

  • Using different types of questions,
  • making and testing predictions,
  • examining evidence and making links between cause and effect,
  • weighing up pros and cons of different approaches,
  • selecting the best strategy to solve a problem and complete a task.

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