This week we have begun looking at decimals in maths with Mrs Nixon. (Links have been sent via Glow.)We have also been revisiting the idea of inequalities in algebra, using < or > to show less than and more than.
Our new context for learning has enabled us to look at the concept of democracy. We will be finding out lots more about this in the next few weeks.
We have now completed almost all of our Genius Hour presentations. This week we listened to Robin, who has been finding out about navigation methods and Chloe, who showed us the progression of skills in Highland dancing. She videoed pupils and staff and explained the steps and dances. Thank you Miss Florence and P1 and P6 pupils for helping with her project. We also heard from Zeera, who has been finding out about rabbits. We all loved learning a new word- fluffles! Seb told us about the history of different forms of transport and Sophie shared her artwork. We particularly liked her blue artwork, which started off as an experiment. We gave peer feedback on each presentation and many pupils have already identified next steps in their learning.
We looked at our Meta Skills Framework and talked about the skills we think we have developed through completing our projects.Here are some of our thoughts.