Braemar School and Nursery

Braemar School and Nursery, working together to provide an ethos where everyone feels happy, safe, supported and challenged to be the best they can be.

March 27, 2019
by User deactivated
1 Comment


Me and Fern went to nursery to ask the children some questions about what they have been learning and if they are enjoying nursery. Andrew=favourite thing was playing in the sand. His buddie is Abigail,his favorite toy is an orange. … Continue reading

PE fun

March 27, 2019 by Maddalena | 3 Comments

      In PE we go in groups and we go to a station in our groups and Mrs Munro our PE teacher tells us what to do . There is a trampette,beam,bench and a springboard.and we only have 2minutes to do things in  every station .  When we are on the beam we walk across it balancing all the way, when we dismount we can do whatever we like. Some of us do cartwheels and 360’s and some just jump. When we are at the springboard we run up, bounce off it onto a crash mat. When we jump off the springboard we make a shape in the air.  On the bench we either just walk, cartwheel, roly poly or jump. On the trampette we jump on it three times and then onto a mat with our feet flat and our knees bent.  We always do PE on a Thursday.



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