The very last thing our previous Eco group did before we submitted our application for our green flag was to produce an Eco Code for the school to follow. Here it is:
We’ve got some plants to plant
Some of the new Eco group were helping out on Thursday lunch time to get some plants into the polytunnel. A while ago we put in a request for perennials to use as a more sustainable option for our outside planters. We’re going to ask Mrs Wheeler to help us put them into our boxes next week.
New Eco Group getting busy
The Eco group ran the Big Schools Birdwatch yesterday. We didn’t see a lot of birds but quite a range of species. Well done to the Eco group for organising and well done to the whole school who came out to help.
The picture below shows some of the group at the end of the birdwatch, but a shout out to Lewis, Bethany, Ceilidh, Joshua and Andrea who have all been helping out too.
Here is a link to our results: birdwatch results