How animals communicate

1. Write down your favourite animal sound and why?
2. How would you make the sound of the beluga whale, dolphins and leopard?
3. Which animal do you think would be the easiest to communicate with and why?

14 thoughts on “How animals communicate”

  1. Alex and I’s fav animal sound was the grey wolf because it just sounds so amazing!!!!!
    We would click our tounge to makethe clicking sound
    We think the Cougar would be the most easy to talk to because he makes lots of noise, and is very loud

  2. mine and ellies fav animal was african lion cub because it was really cute!<3 we would make a clicking sound with our toungs for the clicking sound!
    we think the pig would be easiast to communicate beacause it snorts alot and would be good to speak to!!! x

    ellie and I <3

  3. Katie and Katrena liked the dromedary camel because it was really funny

    To make the sound of the beluga whale we would just scream. If you had to make the leoperd you could just cough if you had a really bad cough or just breath heavily. Also to make a dolphin sound we would just squeak. We think the pig would be easyiest to communicate because it sounds like its screaming.

  4. Katie and i thought that all the animal noises that some were noisey and others were a bite quiet.
    We liked the dolphin the most.

  5. my favourite is the penguin because it sounds like it is laughing and Jasmine’s favourite is the horse (clyesdale) because she loves horses.
    To make the sound of the beluga whale you make a deep screech, the dolphins make a high screech and the leopard makes a gumbling sound.
    The horse because you just mumble.
    Jasmine and Niamh

  6. Georgia and I’s favourite animal sound is the dolphin underwater because it sound really intresting
    we would make a faint whistling sound together and a faint claping sound for the beluga whale
    the cougar would be the meowing soubd angrily

  7. Robert and my fav animal is the Cougar because it woud be the easist to communicate

    josh and robert

  8. 1. Erin and I thought the African lion cub was the cuteist because it sounded so adorable.

    2. erin and I would make a squeeky noise for the beluga whale.

    3. we think that the easiest animal to communicate with would be the cat because its easy to make a cat noise.

    by zoe and erin

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