Jubilee Celebrations


The nursery took part in celebrations for the queens jubilee. Children and staff dressed up in red, white and blue and wore crowns that they made themselves. They played party games, and enjoyed food and dancing. Parents were able to join in with the celebrations too. The nursery raised £110 for The Archie foundation.
Primary 1, 2 and 3 classes also wore royal outfits and crowns to celebrate the Jubilee. They all took part in a royal parade.

The Gordon Primary PTA generously gave every pupil in the school a Diamond Jubilee commemorative coin as lasting reminder of the Diamond Jubilee and their days at Gordon Primary. Thank you!



Pancake Day

The p1s have been making pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. They weighed and measured the ingredients scales and different sizes of spoons and they mixed with a electric whisk. They enjoyed eating them after dinner with a glass of milk.

Ellie (P5 glowblogger)

Primary 1 Nativity

Primary 1 classes put on an excellent nativity performance for pupils and parents. Their show included many lovely songs and retold the story of the First Christmas.

Fat Cones

The P1s are making  and selling fat cones.Pupils and staff can buy them to hang  in their  garden to feed the birds over winter. It would be great if you got one too, so they wouldn’t have to go hungry in the snow. It is made from porridge oats ,lard bird and seed . They are using the money to pay for a bus for a trip to Aberdeen in March.

By Ellie P5 Glow bug

P1 and P2 Nativity Play

All the children from primary one and two have been working very hard practising for their nativity play. The children will be performing for the whole school on Tuesday the 20th December and will perform again for parents on Wednesday 21st December.
The Nativity tells the story of what happened on the first Christmas when Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem. The children are all very excited about dressing up and performing for you all. I’m sure it’s going to be a great show!