Bridge Building

P5B have been making bridges with Miss Crawford as part of the project  Victorians. We have learned about the Tay Bridge disaster that took place in the victorian time over the River Tay.  The more the trains went over the bridge the more bolts loosened and on the 28th Dec 1879 the bridge collapsed and 75 passengers and the crew died. This happened because it wasn’t tested properly.

Heres a web link to find out more:

After looking at various bridge design of the Victorian period, P5B were given the challenge to build a bridge. The design brief required each group to produce a bridge which would allow access between two tables with a distance of at least 50cm. They would be tested to see how much weight their bridge could hold.  The class were allowed to use only K’Nex in the building process.

The groups made lots of  different models of bridges and some could hold a lot of books.

Chris’s tables bridge held 16KG!!!

Becky’s table held 15 maths jotters!!!

Nick’s table held 12 maths jotters!!!

Ross’s table held 5 maths jotters!!!

Felicity’s table held 3 maths jotters

Cameron’s table held 17 maths jotters

Heres a web link to see a full account of the bridge building: