Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Kemnay Academy secure a place in “Champions in Schools National Event”

Kemnay Academy have been selected as the Aberdeenshire representative for the Champions in Schools national event in Glasgow later in May in the build up to the Commonwealth Games. This is the second year they have run the programme in school and the group were selected this year have really benefited from it. A number of schools across the Shire applied to take their group and fortunately Kemnay Academy were selected. The 8 second year pupils have already been selected who will go to the event and it should be an excellent opportunity for them to develop.

Well done to all involved and Good Luck 🙂

Greener Kemnay Design Logo Competition Winner

Greener Kemnay is a community group that was set up in 2012 to promote environmental living in the village of Kemnay.  It meets on the second Tuesday of every month.  The membership is growing.  It has a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and regular members.

It has planted hundreds of trees in the village of Kemnay, many of which were planted in the school grounds.

It has run workshops on environmental lifestyles – it held a Permaculture Course, for example, in the village in March with an expert ‘permaculturalist’ visiting to teach for two days.

It is planning (with Aberdeenshire Council) walking routes through Kemnay and on the village’s outskirts;

It is planning a walking route to Inverurie, and a walking route to Kintore.

It is planning to get involved with Kemnay Academy’s school garden.

It is planning to promote growing food in community areas in the village.

It is gathering ideas for EVERY sort of environmental lifestyle improvement that could improve life in Kemnay.

 Its logo competition has been won by S3 student, Tricia Kelly.  Here’s her winning design.  Well done, Tricia.

Young Health Leaders @ Kemnay Academy

We are a group of S6 students: Lisa McWilliam (coordinator), Emma Forbes, Kathryn Dunn, Simon Cribbes and Alexandra Arr.  We will be working on Health related topics with a view to supporting Kemnay Academy and the community, concentrating on Emotional Health.  We will present our project to other Aberdeenshire schools in March at a celebration event within Aberdeenshire.

As we work through our project we will also be aiming to complete an SQA Leadership Award at SCQF level 5.

Above is our group and we are wearing our YHL badges and will shortly be given our own YHL hoodies to help raise our profile within the school

Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) Scotland National Event 2013

This year’s YPI Final for Kemnay Academy was won by Isobel Thomson and Sarah-Jane Christie from Bennachie House.  Their chosen charity was ‘Riding for the Disabled’ (Gordon Branch). 

Further to their success, the girls and Ms Donaldson were invited to attend the YPI Scotland National Event at Perth Concert Hall on Wednesday 19th June 2013.  The event was held to celebrate the successes of all the winning teams across Scotland, and for those that helped to make it happen.  At present there are over 80 schools participating across all Local Authorities in Scotland. 

The audience were entertained by Aberdeen singer/songwriter Myke Black, with the headline act being Sandi Thom.  The guest speaker was Katherine Grainger, Britain’s most successful female rower, who won Olympic Gold at the London 2012 Olympics.  Ms Grainger was appointed CBE this year for services to rowing, and her Olympic achievements make her the first female British athlete – in any sport – to gain medals in four consecutive Olympic Games.  The girls, and Ms Donaldson, were photographed with Ms Grainger as can be seen in the photographs below. 

 Photograph of the winners and Ms Donaldson with Olympic Gold Medal Winner Katherine Grainger at the YPI Scotland National Event at Perth Concert Hall, June 2013.

European Netball Championships

A small group of S1 and S2 girls attended the European Netball Championships at Aberdeen Sports Village on Friday, 31 May. This was their chance to see top class netball and get a few autographs from some of the best players.  Louise Dorrington, Caitlin Robbie, Tricia Kelly, Hannah Power and Xenoa Campbell-Ledgister watched 3 matches and said: ‘’We really enjoyed it!  They were really skilful and it was very fast!  The netball was entertaining and exciting – the best match was Wales against England!’

RGC/Albyn Invitational Athletics Championships

On 16 May a team of 30 S1 – 3 pupils competed in the inter-school Athletics Championships at the Sports Village. This was the first occasion a team from Kemnay competed at these championships and with some outstanding individual performances the team achieved 8th place out a total of 19 competing teams. S1 pupils: Alix Still achieved 1st place in both the 100m and the long jump; Laurie Allardes achieved 2nd place in the high jump with Caitlin Gray winning points for the team in 8th place; S2 pupils: Caitlin Robbie and Louise Dorrington won points in the shot and the 1500m respectively, achieving 6th place while Mason Reid was narrowly beaten into 4th place in his 1500m race; S3 pupils: Douglas Young had an outstanding meet by achieving 2nd place in the 1500m and 5th place in the shot; Cara MacKenzie came 3rd and Emily Cossar 5th in the 100m and Emily also came 4th in the long jump. The relay teams all performed well with both the S3 boys and S3 girls winning points. All pupils were a credit to Kemnay Academy in their attitude and behaviour – well done to all the team! Following her outstanding performance in the long jump, Alix was selected to represent South Grampian in the inter-district team championships.

Mill O’ Forest : Giant Walking Bus


All the schools made large, colourful banners with slogans and pictures to take on our Walking Bus for the community to see as we walked.  We walked through the community and met in our local park.  On our Giant Walking Bus, we displayed 20 different road signs and road safety questions.  The pupils of the Mill O’ Forest Eco Committee selected and painted the road signs, chose the questions and distributed answer sheets to the other schools. Then, all the pupils from three community schools (nearly 1000 pupils!) were able to see the signs and take part in our Road Safety Quiz. 

A winning entry will be selected the Eco Committee and a prize, linked to travelling safely, will be sent out.  Mearns FM Radio let the Eco Committee use their equipment to read the answers for the Quiz.  We wanted all the pupils to learn on the day and the quiz helped them to be able to identify important signs that they might find as they walk, cycle or ride in the car. 

Finally, a vote of thanks and congratulations was given by one of the three councillors who had joined with us on our Walking Bus.  A very successful day – and the rain stayed off for just long enough! It was great to have so many members of the community working together to promote BRAKE and road safety in our town.  (Teachers, Parents, Councillors, Police Officers, Traffic Wardens).  We were delighted to see our efforts recognised at a national level by BRAKE on their Giant Walking Bus Thank You Bulletin which was sent out on Friday 14th June 2013.

 Mill O’ Forest Primary School is logging the day as our annual Day of Eco Action under the Transport heading.

Rugby Festival in the Peterhead Cluster

P6 athletes from across the Peterhead Network got together on Wednesday 15th May for the Active Schools P6 Rugby Festival supported by Scottish Rugby Development staff.  The event was held at the all-weather pitch at Catto Park and everyone was thankful that the rain stayed off for the morning!

 A great day was had by all and some fantastic Rugby skills were displayed with Burnhaven School P6s being crowned the winners of the tournament and Peterhead Central School Team 2 coming in as runner ups.  A special Fairplay award was also presented to Peterhead Central School Team 1 for highlighting the best example of sportsmanship on the day through respecting their team mates, opponents and referee’s decisions.  Young Leaders from Anna Ritchie School were also present on the day to help the referees and each leader did an excellent job and will receive a certificate for their hard work.

 The Rugby Festival was the climax of a four week block of rugby coaching that was delivered to all schools by Ross Finlay, the Ellon Rugby Development Officer.  Active Schools Coordinator for the Peterhead Primary Network area Caitlin Dudley was delighted with the turnout of schools and the standard of play and sportsmanship throughout all teams and added:  “Our thanks go to the Ellon Rugby Development officer and his colleagues for making today possible.  It is fantastic to see so many pupils in Peterhead getting involved in sport and having fun!  The effort of the pupils was a great reflection of the ongoing work by Active Schools & SportScotland to not only improve participation levels but to also promote competitive sport in a positive manner.”

Well done to all involved 🙂

Young Health Leaders @Kemany Academy

This year a group of S5 and S6 students have formed a group called “Young Health Leaders”. As a group our aim is to try and improve health within our school, we do this by making the staff and pupils aware of the nutritional values of the food they are consuming and by offering them healthier alternatives for these foods.  This year we targeted oral health in particular.  We have accomplished several tasks throughout the year so far, including going to Inverurie Academy to meet the Young Health Leaders of other schools and getting the chance to brainstorm ideas about health issues in our schools and local communities.  This year the S5 leaders were put in charge of promoting healthier alternatives for food and making all members of Kemnay Academy aware of what was in the food they were consuming.  This task was completed through the use of posters in the canteens and around the school.

An S5 leader also created a healthy eating booklet which offered several healthy recipes that could be made at home and some interesting facts about which foods are good for you and which foods are better to avoid.  On each page it also informed the reader if the recipe was high in phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D, or low in sugar.  Some of the other S6 leaders created an oral health campaign which they presented to the S1 pupils.  This campaign gave the S1 pupils information on the best way to clean their teeth, on how to spot signs of any problems in the mouth which could lead to disease in the future and also told them the best foods to avoid with alternatives available.                                                                                             Joanne Findlay S6

Sporting Lunch at Peterhead Academy

Youngsters at Peterhead Academy learned how to cook meals fit for the Nation’s sports stars. They followed recipes provided by some of the top chefs in football, rugby and athletics

British Olympic swimmer Robbie Renwick also shared his advice on the benefits of healthy eating. The aim of the lunch was to promote healthy eating by demonstrating how important diet is to people competing in professional sport.

 The Active Schools event was held in conjunction with the Buchan Feeling Good Festival, and the S3 children cooked meals such as boiled chicken and pasta, chicken pizza melts and chorizo pasta with mixed vegetables.

 Top football clubs such as Peterhead, Aberdeen, Celtic and Rangers shared some of their dietary tips, while the Scottish Rugby Union also provided details of meal plans followed by top rugby professionals.

 Peterhead Football Club manager Jim McInally was one of those on hand to witness the cooking of the meals, while supporters of the Active Schools programme – Gillanders Motors – also unveiled a notice board promoting the activities of the programme.

 Local social enterprise company Cfine – who promote the consumption of fruit, vegetables, pulses and other healthy products – provided some of the ingredients that the pupils used when cooking the various recipes.

 Chair of Education, Learning and Leisure Committee, Councillor Isobel Davidson, said: “This is a great event to show the many benefits of healthy eating. Many of these teenagers will have aspirations to follow a sporting career, and this lunch will allow them to develop first-hand knowledge of how important a healthy diet is.

 “Being able to cook healthy meals is a skill which can be so important in following a fit and active lifestyle, and we hope the children enjoy this experience and take a lot away from the sporting lunch.”

 Vice-chair of the committee, Councillor Ron McKail, added: “This event looks like being great fun for all involved. Finding out how their sporting idols are able to supplement their sports training will inspire them to follow their own healthy lifestyle.

 “This event shows the great work being done by the Active Schools programme, and activities like these can only help encourage others to follow a fit and active lifestyle.”

 Malcolm Grant, Active Schools Coordinator, is keen to hear from any volunteers interested in getting involved in after-school sport, and added: “Along with the schools and supporters like Gillanders Motors, we deliver a wide range of activities and sports in the local community.

 “These require good quality coaching, organisation and levels of progression to ensure that the pupils can benefit from the sporting opportunities that exist in the Buchan area. We would like to hear from anyone interested in getting involved.”

 Peterhead Academy and Mintlaw Academy are both accepting new applications to the programmes and details can be found at www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/recreation/active_schools/groups/peterhead_network.asp .

 Further information can be gained by contacting Malcolm on 07733 001894 or emailing malcolm.grant@aberdeenshire.gov.uk 

Well done to all involved 🙂