Category Archives: Anna Ritchie

Rugby Festival in the Peterhead Cluster

P6 athletes from across the Peterhead Network got together on Wednesday 15th May for the Active Schools P6 Rugby Festival supported by Scottish Rugby Development staff.  The event was held at the all-weather pitch at Catto Park and everyone was thankful that the rain stayed off for the morning!

 A great day was had by all and some fantastic Rugby skills were displayed with Burnhaven School P6s being crowned the winners of the tournament and Peterhead Central School Team 2 coming in as runner ups.  A special Fairplay award was also presented to Peterhead Central School Team 1 for highlighting the best example of sportsmanship on the day through respecting their team mates, opponents and referee’s decisions.  Young Leaders from Anna Ritchie School were also present on the day to help the referees and each leader did an excellent job and will receive a certificate for their hard work.

 The Rugby Festival was the climax of a four week block of rugby coaching that was delivered to all schools by Ross Finlay, the Ellon Rugby Development Officer.  Active Schools Coordinator for the Peterhead Primary Network area Caitlin Dudley was delighted with the turnout of schools and the standard of play and sportsmanship throughout all teams and added:  “Our thanks go to the Ellon Rugby Development officer and his colleagues for making today possible.  It is fantastic to see so many pupils in Peterhead getting involved in sport and having fun!  The effort of the pupils was a great reflection of the ongoing work by Active Schools & SportScotland to not only improve participation levels but to also promote competitive sport in a positive manner.”

Well done to all involved 🙂