Southie Parents

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Southie Parents are our Parents/Carers group who support the school in various ways.

Southie Parents Leaflet Back

Southie Parents Leaflet Front


Southie Parents Agenda 23.05.18

southie parents minutes 23.05.18

southie parents minutes 28.03.18

Office Bearers:

Chairperson – Kelly Simpson

Vice-Chairperson – Kath Ogg

Secretary – Jennifer Fitchett

Treasurer – Katie Kaczmarek

Dates of Meetings 2018 – 2019:

All meetings are held at 6.30 in Southesk Primary School


Wednesday 19th September – AGM

Who can join?
All parents and carers make up the parent forum and are welcome to come to any of our meetings.

What can you bring?
As a parent or carer you:
Are an expert on your own children and bring this understanding, information and knowledge about their needs.
Have unique and varied skills, knowledge and experience.
Are a member of the local community and have links and contacts that the school may not have.
Are in touch with other parents and can represent a wider range of views.

How to contact us

Facebook –

Twitter – @SouthieParents

Email is