Welcome to our Carlogie Primary School Website

Carlogie is one of three primary schools that serve the town of Carnoustie. There are 12 classes covering P1-7 as well as Early Learning and Childcare Provision. As a ‘specifically resourced’ school, Carlogie staff work with children, families and partner agencies to meet the needs of learners with a range of Additional Support Needs (ASN). Children with more complex needs may be ‘placed’ with us from across our locality to access enhanced support, alternative approaches and learning environments.

We ensure that our learners experience a positive and nurturing school ethos where high expectations are sought and growth mindsets encouraged. Pupil voice and ‘restorative practices’ support all our day to day interactions and our pupils are encouraged to be independent and responsible.

Our Carlogie School Vision, Values and Aims were refreshed in session 22-23 in consultation with our whole-school community. More information on these can be found here: https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/an/carlogieprimaryschool/blog/school-ethos-vision-values-and-aims/

We aspire to high quality team working amongst our staff and our core priority is to always ensure we offer the highest quality teaching environments which will lead to effective learning and progress for our children. Our school is inclusive and this is a fundamental belief for all who choose to work here.

The school has developed award winning approaches to Global Citizenship. We have been accredited with our UNCRC Rights Respecting Schools Silver Award and are now on our journey to Gold.

We pride ourselves on our community engagement and social enterprise initiatives, such as our Carlogie Community Cafe, led by our P6 classes. In 2024, we were presented with a Social Enterprise Schools Award from the Social Enterprise Academy.

We are validated as a ‘Digital School’ and were presented with our Digital Learning and Teaching Award and Digital Wellbeing Award in 2024. These awards are in recognition of the continuous positive digital work that happens across our school community.