Auchterhouse Primary School


by Mrs Cowper

Climate Change – Take Action 19.10.21

Take Action 

We are writing this blog post because we want people to act about climate change. Climate change is affecting all of us. We are raising awareness through this blog post. Because of our actions to cause global warming we are stopping the earth to become a better place. This is not good for us and others. We are trying different ways to get to school like running, walking, scooting, cycling, and car sharing. This all lowers your carbon footprint (how much carbon you use over your life). All the little things you do helps your climate. We have a climate action plan at our school. The five things on it are to improve biodiversity, reduce food waste, reduce plastic waste, improve active travel and campaign all about climate change. Our school thinks that having an action plan helps you to think about what you can do next. So, please take action against climate change. 

By Bella, Bridget and Trudie

by Mrs Clark
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Before I couldn’t…. Now I can ! 1/10/21

As it’s the last day of term, we thought we would reflect on what we have achieved so far this year. Here is a list we made as a class of what we are proud of accomplishing – bring on next term!


I can use the reading box
I can write numbers
I can read a story book
I know about children’s rights
I know how to count in 50s
I know how to write my numbers the right way.


Before, I didn’t know how to count up to 49 in french – now I do!

Before, I didn’t know a lot about Indian History, now I know about the Mughal Empire!

Before, I couldn’t count to  the billions, now I understand Place Value and I can!

Before, I couldn’t write an effective simile, now I can!

Before, I couldn’t count to 100 in French, now I can !

Before, I didn’t know what Hindusim was, now I know some of the things Hindus do because of their faith!

Before, I didn’t know how to properly summarise a text, now I do !

Before, I didn’t know what all the cause of climate change were, now I do!

Before, I didn’t know what inferring was, now I do!

Before, I didn’t know what tenths and hundredths were, now I do!

Before, I didn’t know how to do non-standard partitioning, now I do!

Before, I didn’t know how to spell my name in French, now I do!

Before, I didn’t know how to change percentages to decimals and fractions, now I do!

Before, I didn’t know what ‘show, don’t tell’ was in Writing, now I do!

Before, I didn’t know the French alphabet, now I do!

Before, I didn’t know what translation in maths was, now I do !

Before, I didn’t know what the surface area of a shape meant, now I do !


by Mrs Clark

Kitbag by Chloe and Charlie – 24/09/21

Recently we have started up Kitbag again. Kitbag is a resource used to talk about your feelings and sort out problems.  

 We have pupilswho are Kitbag champions. Kitbag Champions run most Kitbag sessions, are in charge of training new people to lead Kitbag and telling people what Kitbag is. Currently, we have two Kitbag champions, but we are planning to train more soon. 

 Our two Kitbag champions have created an action plan to get Kitbag running again and to set up the Kitbag club. The Kitbag club is where we teach people who are not Kitbag champions how to lead sessions. 

 Inside the Kitbag there are several resources. We have a colour card where you choose what colour you feel, and you explain why. There are two puppets called Wolfie and Robin. We have calming oil that you put on at the start of the session. There is a story that we read if we have time. We have cards for several activities, and we have talking sticks that you hold while you’re talking. 

 Here is a picture of everything inside a Kitbag: 

IFF Kitbag | International Futures Forum

We think Kitbag is a great resource to mend friendships and this will help us all in school to be Team Auchterhouse 

by Mrs Clark

Climate Week – by Bridget, Katie and Joan Lily

This week we have been doing an online webinar called Climate Week. It was from Keep Scotland Beautiful. 


Monday was all about Greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gasses are gasses that warm up our environment. They are sometimes natural, but we make it worse  by using diesel, lighting fires and wasting water and electricity. The two greenhouse gasses are methane and carbon dioxide. They are called greenhouse gasses because the hot air is getting trapped in the atmosphere like a greenhouse. Also we learned about carbon footprints. Carbon footprints are the amount of carbon you use over the course of the thing. Everything has a carbon footprint.  


Tuesday was all about how climate change can affect  wildlife. Climate change can  affect wildlife because ice caps are melting. Polar bears can survive on land in summers in the arctic but, due to climate change, there are longer summers which are harder for polar bears because they don’t get as much prey.


Wednesday was about food. We learned about how a change in food, like meat to veggies can help our climate. What also could help with climate change is to stop wasting food. Two of the top tips about food is to use fresh Ingredients, and use low carbon foods.


Thursday was about water. Water is like a superhero in that it emits oxygen. Did you know that climate change is causing acidification in our oceans? There are also billions of pieces of micro plastics in our oceans. To help stop climate change in our water, we can recycle what we can, use reusable plastics, and upcycle what we don’t want.


Friday is all about people helping to stop climate change. All over the world people are helping to stop climate change. You can help by upcycling cans. to turn them into pen pots. You could even campaign for climate change. 

Altogether, this was a great week. We learned so much, enjoyed the experiments, and overall, had a great time. This week was amazing.


by Mrs Clark
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WE’RE BACK!! – P5-7

Now we are back, we want to use our blog to record what we are learning! Here are some statements about our first few weeks !

‘We’ve swapped classrooms from last year and now we’re in the big classroom! We had to swap because we have a lot more children in our class than the younger class do. We like the bigger classroom more because there is a lot more space to play active learning games and some of us have never been in the big classroom !’

‘It’s a new year and people have gone up a year. I feel good about that I’ve learned more things and we have more responsibilities like Young Leaders in P6’

‘We’ve been learning about India for our new topic because we are Connecting Classrooms with a school in Pune, India. Something I find interesting is what we are learning about Hinduism’

‘We’re making an outdoor maths classroom so we can learn outside. I feel excited because it’s something different from learning in the classroom’

Look out for more next week!

by Mrs Cowper
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1st Week Back!

Our Nursery and Primary Children have had a wonderful first week back settling into routines and learning.

Team Auchterhouse Learning Together!

by Mrs Clark

Weekly Report P5-7

We have been writing about Little Red Riding Hood with the Writing Rainbow help us do the structure of our story. The Writing Rainbow is a helpful tool to help us do better in our writing. 

We are doing fitness and athletics in P.E  

We did gardening last week. We were picking the vegetables. We can only garden every fortnight because we share our time with the P 1-4 

We are also doing our topic which is the RSPB Wild Challenge.In our table groups, we each took on a different challenge to get us one step closer to the Bronze Award for our schoo 

Reuben and Charlie

by Mrs Clark

P5-7 Weekly Report

This week has been filled with lots of work, fun and excitement. 

P5-7 have been doing a RSPB Wild challenge. We have started doing the activities.We haven’t finished the activities, but we are nearly there! 

This week Charlie from P6 did his second part of his walk for his mum Eileen and is raising money for the RNLI lifeboat station in Broughty Ferry. Charlie raised over £2000 for the lifeboats. 

Since lock down not many people have been weeding and planting in our school garden. So, we are doing gardening every fortnight, we take turns with primary 1-4. 

  • Bella and Olivia

by Mrs Clark
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We’re BACK !

It’s Friday of our first full week back, and we thought we’d ask some of our p5-7 learners how it’s been….

‘We’ve been learning about the writing rainbow and how it helps us improve our writing’

‘We have been doing a lot of maths, but it’s mainly been refreshing our minds and occasionally some new stuff. It was a bit hard at the start but now we’re getting back into the routine, we’re getting more confident’

‘We’re not allowed to touch each others stationery and we’re not allowed to go close to the teacher over 15 minutes. It makes things a bit harder and frustrating, but we’ll get used to the routine’

‘We have been making Time-Capsules about when we were at home during lockdown. This made us think about all the good things about lockdown even though it seemed bad’

‘ We are making a book about what we did during lockdown and we wrote about our special place, special person and an object that was important to us. It’s weird that it’ll be opened when we are all grandparents!’

‘In gym, we can’t do much that includes equipment like balls and tennis racquets. It’s still good though  because we’re out stretching our legs, doing athletics and fitness’

‘It’s good to be back at school with our teachers and friends and learning together’

by Mrs Clark

Charlie’s Walk 2020

On Sunday 22nd of June, Charlie from P5 set off for his 3rd annual fundraising walk in memory of his mum, Eileen.

This year, Charlie was raising money for the RNLI in memory of the crew of the RNLI Lifeboat Mona which capsized on the 8th of December, 1959, losing all lives onboard. You can read more information about the disaster here

Charlie set off at 8am on a very dreich morning, from the RNLI Lifeboat Station in Broughty Ferry, walking the first part with some of the current RNLI volunteers. He and his dad walked through a pretty miserable day, covering half of the 55 mile route from Broughty Ferry to Queensferry. He will complete the second half later in the year – hopefully in better weather !

We are VERY proud of you, Charlie, and #TeamAuchterhouse supports you all the way !

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