Whole School

STV Mini Mudder 

We were involved in the STV Children’s Appeal and decided to create a Mini Mudder for our fundraiser. Pupils, parents and teachers all had great fun participating in the course and enjoyed meeting Sean and Louise from STV.  Best of all we managed to raise over £400, well done everyone!

Developing the Young Workforce
We have been learning about the world of work .One of our favourite ways to do this is have visitors into our school.  When someone comes in we discuss their key roles and responsibilities, ask lots of super questions and sometimes even get to try out some equipment and uniforms! We came up with a job profile for our ‘perfect nurse’ by thinking about the skills and qualities required for that career path.  In term 4 we will have a careers event with some of our cluster schools. In this picture we are learning about being a nurse/care home manager:
Gardening Week 
Nursery to P7 all enjoyed getting involved in our gardening week.  They all participated in a range of activities from planting to making bird feeders.